[Meme] Who me?

Posted 2 months, 28 days ago by Contradictingparadox

Used to love doing these back in the day and saw a friend do this

Name: Dani/Paradox

Age/Age Range: 29

Sexuality: Panromatic Asexual 

Pronouns + Gender:  I'm Nonbinary this is going to be a bit to explain. They/Them if you have to gender me He/Him HOWEVER if you know me in rl of have any connections to my rl family/friends. It's She/Her for my safety. 

What do you Love: random facts,coffee, and cosmic horror

What do you Hate: When my health makes it difficult to exist, loud noises, and bright colors

Pet Peeves: when my body decides to fucking shut down on itself, people who insult my taste in stories,food,characters,trivia that I like.

Favorite Food: Pizza, Pasta, frozen fruit 

Favorite Drinks: I only drink Water,Coffee or tea so....

Coffee or Tea: Coffee

Favorite TV Show/Movie: Over the Garden Wall, Terror, Legends of Vox Machina, Haunting of hill house [1963] and The Barbie Movie. 

Pretzels or Chips: None

Spicy or Sweet: I hate sweet foods, Spicy!

Early Bird or Night Owl: I'm a 'whatever time my body decides to function and I'm not to sick to lay in bed' kinda person. Used to be a Night owl

Ping a Friend!: I mean sure if you are reading this consider yourself tagged

What's a Place you would Love to Visit:  Going to sound lame but I kinda wanna meet three of my American friends. I don't care where we meet I just wanna meet them ;v; 

Favorite Color(s): Pastel Pink + Any pastel colors

Favorite Video Game: Animal Crossing, The Sinking City, Pokemon Scarlet

Favorite Person: I don't care I'm saying my dog Sadie T_T

Computer or Phone: I own both but my phone is more for like 'emails on the go' I refuse to have it set up for anything outside of an emergency. If ya'll need to contact me use email. I like a paper trail of my conversations. 

Favorite Insult: whatever word vomit soup comes out of my mouth

Are you Sarcastic: depends on who I'm with

Cats or Dogs: I love both but I'm starting to figure out I'm a dog person

Favorite Animal: I like a lot so I'm just going to give a run down. Frogs, Elephants, Hedgehogs, and Rainbow/Mantis Shrimp

What do you think about the most: Before it was about work but now my brain has kinds shifted to 'your body is shutting down slowly and there is nothing you can do about it, you are going to die alone' but on the other side I also think about whatever book I'm reading at the time [Grimnoir]

Goofy or Silly: Dunno?

MBTI: This system is bullshit T_T it's no more correct than your horoscope but I keep getting INFJ

Who’s your Favorite OC you Own: It can change from time to time but I always fall back on Mur. I just don't post/do a lot with him in public because he is considered a background character who watches things unfold and doesn't really have a story of his own that's interesting to tell

Were these questions decent?: Killed sometime I guess


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