Lost Signal's World

Signal Lost due to Interference

"Don't tell me you'll kiss me, kill me."


The world of SLdtI is set in New Gotham, an unholy fusion between New York and Gotham, as such it bears similarities to both. A major part of their world is the Metagene, a specific part of one’s genetics that can activate in a life threatening scenario as a way of protecting oneself. It’s not a conscious thing, and some powers are rather mundane. This gene is present in some, but not the majority of the population, and how it manifests appears to vary from person to person.


This story is about Dr. Amelia Fitzgerald. She started off trying to be a local vigilante and help the people of her city, she even had a sidekick and everything. Unfortunately this venture ended in tragedy as the sidekick was killed, and Amelia was blamed. It was after this that she ended up taking up villany, as a way to cope. Along her path, she found a few friends who were also willing to become supervillains. She’s made her own group now, and they all terrorize the city collectively.

Resonance (Remix) - Florida Skyline

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