
Some of these characters are a few years old and I have no use for them, so lower offers are fine as long as theyre reasonable.

I'm totally open to trades, but I tend to mostly use human/humanoid/anthro characters. I'm not completely against feral characters, I'm just not as likely to choose them.

Pokefusions that don't have gijikas aren't up for sale since I plan on doing one per character, but offers are fine if you don't mind not having the gijinks

For pokefusions, both normal and shiny versions will have different gijinkas entirely, so they won't be automatically be given together when doing sales.

Cre single lyth Toskal STORY LD toskal 1st gen REF s Single Lyth revamp Farmstand Pokefusion purge REVAMP 2nd gen HaloHound Trade Complete OTA VS Revamp b Sale missing mate cre CS Genshin 3rd gen Psyke Corvi Gen Gijinka Lythani MW Mantoo Taken maybe bi seke trade t DnD mutation ML Code Dating Student Humanoid DD Pureshi feral adult tentative alpha black-eyed Pavonis Gen S dnd Object Head male mantoo WIP pup Thicketmorr Ori Gen not single Stardew Farmstand Friend closed species Datova unknown female r Dnd fuckboi TWST It You But Me