Tentative: Revamping

These are characters I need to rework, simply because I never finished designing them or they're a bit older and need visual updates. Or characters I want to give Gijinkas to use them better. I tend take a while to get to them though, so I may be open to trading for them!

Cre single lyth Toskal STORY LD toskal 1st gen REF s Lyth Single revamp Pokefusion Farmstand purge REVAMP 2nd gen HaloHound Complete Trade OTA VS b Sale Revamp missing mate cre 3rd gen Psyke CS Genshin Mantoo Taken Corvi Gen Gijinka Lythani MW closed species Datova unknown female r Dnd fuckboi TWST It You But Me maybe bi seke trade t DnD mutation ML Code Dating Student Humanoid DD Pureshi feral adult tentative alpha black-eyed Pavonis Gen S dnd Object Head male mantoo WIP pup Thicketmorr Ori Gen not single Stardew Farmstand Friend