Baby AU

Technically an AU, but also kind of just how it is, idk, we love the babies too much they're kinda canon at the same time. 2 different AUs, although they can be crossovered.

Andre's baby AU: Instead of the robot Andre adopts, Andre has a baby. He names her Leia and he spends the first couple years of her life as a single dad just trying to get by. He meets an artist, his eventual partner Kriss* and they have a really good time together. In the future they get married and adopt another baby, Micah Vincent.

Goth Baby AU: Izzy accidentally gets pregnant by one of her boyfriends, Lucky*. Baby Nico is a lil rambunctious buddy. All of the polyship help with raising him, though.

*Kriss and Lucky are my partner's OCs. 

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