Lucky Brennan



4 years, 10 months ago


CW: Lucky's page briefly mentions family abandonment
Lucky Brennan


Name Lucky Brennan
Nicknames n/a
Birthday Nov 13, Scorpio
Age ≈ 25
Gender Apathetic ...? (he/him)
Sexuality Bisexual
Occupation Spooky Guy
Race White


  • grumpy
  • melancholic
  • loyal



  • pumpkins
  • bones
  • pigs
  • salty foods


  • sweets
  • strong floral scents
  • Drew


Lucky is a loner who somehow got roped into a big ol polyamorous relationship. He loves his partners though he often struggles to express himself. He's a man of few words and can have a short temper. He has the heart of a goth but is just too lazy to dress the part. He's not expecially spiritual but he does have a deep connection with nature. He practices some sort of witchcraft and collects bones and oddities. He gets around town on a motorcycle.


Lucky is short and thin. He has pale skin and light grey eyes that usually look sleepy. His hair is long and black. He has scars on his face, one on the left side of his mouth and another by his right eye. He has a shitty tattoo he got as a teenager of a sun with the number 13 in it. He sometimes lets his facial hair grow out though it never gets more than just a few chin hairs, whether he can't grow more or just gets tired of it is unclear.



Lucky and his parents do not have a relationship. His parents were teens when they had him and just weren't ready for that responsibility. Lucky's maternal grandmother would help them raise him half of the time as a baby. But after a few years they decided they would up and move on without their son, leaving Lucky to the care of his grandparents. Lucky didn't quite realized he had been abandoned right away, he liked his grandparents and they were taking care of him half of the time anyway so it didn't feel so different.

When his grandparents got too old to take care of now 15 year old Lucky, he gets passed along into the care aunt. His aunt has two children, Libra and Labrenth. Lucky's aunt, his mother's older sister, was well meaning but more strict than Lucky's free upbringing on the farm. Lucky has trouble adjusting to the new living situation, not helped by the fact that he doesn't get along with Libra. Libra is a little older than him and while they used to get along when they were younger, things have changed and they can't stand each other. Lucky shares a room with Labrenth and they get along fine, luckily.


His grandparents had a farm and little Lucky would run around unattended for the most part. He found wonder in the natural world around him and got into some trouble here and there, being a little wild child. When he started school the other kids would pick on him for various things, whether it be his appearance or family situation, or just that he was weird. Lucky would grow into a cynical and gruff person as a result of everything. He would pick up that it is weird that he doesn't have parents and he was abandoned. He wonders if his grandparents only took him out of obligation.

By the time Lucky has to move into his aunt's house he already has a dejected sort of world view. He just doesn't feel like he fits in anywhere, especially among his peers. Growing up mostly on his grandparents farm he didn't spend alot of time with kids his age and isn't in touch with alot of media that others his age would be familiar with. While Lucky had few attempts at making friends, ultimately his prickly exterior got him into alot of trouble.

One way or another he'd get into fights, and in one certain occasion Lucky got into a fight that he didn't think he could make it out of, feeling threatened he yelled that he had a knife on him and he will use it. Being an outdoorsy kid he did indeed have a knife on him, and once the fight got broke up and this was discovered, Lucky was in deep trouble. Based on his previous record of getting into fights and constantly being in detention, it was decided that Lucky would be expelled from school. At this point Lucky gave up on trying to go to another school, and his aunt wouldn't push it because she was afraid for his safety. It was also a concern that somehow the people that Lucky made enemies with might try to track him down and thus bring the danger to the whole family.

Previously, Lucky's grandparents had set aside a small property with a small 2 bedroom home on it. While it was intended for one of the grandchildren to take on when they were adults, it was decided that Lucky could make his home here. It was a place that needed alot of work and while it certainly wasn't in good condition while Lucky moved in, it was just sitting around unused so it was in good interest to make some use of it. Lucky would live here alone for a few years until his cousin Labrenth wanted to move out there as well, and that would suit the both of them having their own personal space. Lucky could spend his days wandering around the surrounding forests and making a living by foraging for mushrooms and crafting miscelleous witchy goods.


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Friendly Rude
Affectionate Standoffish
Clever Foolish
Funny Serious
Careful Reckless
Optimistic Pessimistic
  • grew up on a farm
  • his face scars are from a barncat when he was young
  • has bad handwriting; can write his signature upside down and backwards
  • picked up smoking when he was really young
  • loves to find bones and things in the forest
  • makes candles and protective talismans for friends (witchy)
  • he is quiet for alot of the time but sometimes when he speaks, you can see that he's actually not the brightest. Sometimes just says nonsequiters and catches people off guard, hard to tell what's going on in his head
  • shrimps is bugs.



Levi Asthana   [ boyfriend ]


He and Levi had a chance meeting and Levi was impressed by Lucky's motorcycle. Levi approached him and flirted his way into catching a ride on the bike. Lucky took him driving out to the countryside and they had a great time out. For whatever reason they were intrigued by each other so they wanted to keep meeting and hookups became more frequent. They didn't define their relationship but once they started bringing more people into their ~whatever~ they had, they were like hey? Are we dating? okay then.
Lucky doesn't 100% understand why Levi would stick around with him, it's the longest relationship he's had and he is fighting against his impulse to run away from good things. He enjoys Levi's company despite feeling out of place, so he tries to be better for him, more adventurous. Also he's gotta clean up his house if Levi is gonna stay over...


Nathan Ramirez   [ boyfriend ]


Lucky met Nathan through Levi, getting along with Nathan was much easier since he was in the commpany of Levi, feeling more warmed up and secure. Also Nathan is just so easy to get along with, so Lucky was happy to start seeing him as well. Nate's funny goofy personality really endeared him to Lucky, and Lucky sometimes tries to match that energy though his joke delivery leaves something to be desired (is not so good).


Izzy Walker   [ girlfriend ]


Lucky became friends with Izzy through Nate's band, and eventually they date after knowing each other for a while. Lucky and Izzy both have struggles with mental health and because of that bond Lucky finds it easier to confide in her rather than the other babes. When the other two go partying Lucky and Izzy mostly prefer to stay at home together and chill.
In a kind-of-AU, kind-of-not storyline, Lucky gets Izzy pregnant and they have to figure out how they're going to deal with it with their combined parental issues. 👍 Luckily they have the support of their other babes and friends, even if it is rocky at the start. They welcome their baby son Nico into the world.


Drew Donovan   [ rival ]


Lucky and Drew always seem to bump heads when Lucky comes to band practice with Nate and Izzy. Their particular combination of personalities (and mental health) make it very easy for Drew to rile Lucky up and Lucky does not care for him at all. Some might say that it's becuase they're kinda similar but don't let them hear you say that. Scorpios am I right!


Labrenth Brennan   [ cousin, friends ]


Lucky and Lab shared a room during the time they lived together when they were growing up. They weren't the closest at the time due to the slight age difference and Lucky just being a teen and getting used to a new situation. But now that they're adults and having some time apart, living together again with their own rooms works out well for the both of them. Turns out, Lucky does like him! Lab already knew this but he's happy that Lucky is realizing now. :)


Libra Brennan   [ cousin, rivals ]


Libra and Lucky have had a rocky relationship. They used to get along as kids but as they grew older they both went through difficult times. So by the time Lucky moved in they were ready to get on each other's nerves. They would fight over any little or huge thing. Libra would sometimes be put in charge of looking after Lucky and Lab and she didn't wanna do that! So she might let Lucky get into not great situations. They would occasionally call a truce because they both knew they had dirt on one another.
because of their history Lucky feels apprehensive about being around Libra, though now that they're not in each other's space, they can tolerate being around each other for short periods of time.