DaylightJamboree's Bulletins

Taking a handful of these as a warmup, I'll take like 10 

I'm testing out something, I saw this ( ) in my new oc's gallery and I wanted to make something kiiiinda similar? Credit to this art from 2013 

I wanted to try and do goofy shapes/simple quick, here's an example of my attempt :3


Will probably be all done tn! 

In exchange you can draw smth similar or just do whatever you want of Day (IC), dont put too much effort into your part these are very quick and will look stupid HRFBJHFRB

To ask for one comment a ref! I'll reply with your slot number and draw right away :3

LF art on a few ocs!!

Posted 6 days, 2 hours ago by DaylightJamboree Taking art offers on these guys bc I wanna get day, X, and First more art AND i want art of my new oc fun <3 

Goal is to get Day to 3.5k before end of year!!

X is super close to 1k too ahhh <33 and First close to 500

I need to draw them but im busy with ychs XD <3 

I'll also look at offers on:

and everyone in

dont be afraid to lowball :P ATs will be open asap bc I do be wanting to draw...

HAI I'm gonna try to grind comms tn and over the whole weekend. I don't have a ton to do, and only one of the things I have to do im soooorta procrastinating on (it's an animation I have not had the juice in me for that XD) 

I had family over for a bit so--- ooffhgbhg i was bsuy last few days cleaning and hangign out w them

UHH I really wanna open trades for the pridenanas soon bc theyre super fun to do </3 so I might do that before my entire queue is done just bc I love doing them</3

also im gonna maybe do a purge soon / tn for art but idkkkkkk i wanna spam day art and also I want art of two new ocs</3 one of them being Fun who I freaking adore

p.s. my TH is a mess rn ignore that im struggling to clean and organize in a way im happy with SOBBBBBBIINNGNGNNG

Emergency Sale (NM)

Posted 6 days, 9 hours ago by DaylightJamboree

A friend is having an emergency purge, pls go and help if u can!!! They have a ton of my designs!!

I'll also take money offers on these ocs to try and help them. so feel free to offer!

HAI! SO I just finally got to cleaning my depression room (TM), and I wanted to show it and my collection finally!

Note that this is a LOT of stuff. If mayhem like full shelves stress u out skip this one XD

Also note, like 85% of this stuff is thrifted-- it's literally all there is to do around here during the winter. Other than the Build a Bears (for the most part) and a few gifts/ebay purchases of stuff I really wanted, most of this cost little to nothing at all-- I wanna clarify that bc I have a few items I think are rare?? I am not rich guys this was all art money

We will begin with Rem, who was very brave when I had to vaccum.

oK now onto everything:

These are the main shelves; told you there was a LOT. Heres more pics of individual shelves and some cooler items (imo at least)



Here's also bruno and my BABs!


PS, not all these trinkets I plan to keep forever; I have a LOT of vintage and cutesy stuff, we originally wanted to make some sort of ebay to help us get finances but can't ATM. SOOO This is just the stuff I have on display and I have like a bucket or two of more trinkets-- or more... that I got bc I thought we could sell em... oops.

If I can convince my mom to help me I might do some sort of garage sale. Or maybe a digital garage sale where people can offer ocs for some of my more "furry"/desirable items? Such as a few LPS I have that IK r desirable!

IDK we'll see! 

Before I leave I also wanted to show off the OC wall




20240606_145016_by_daylightjamboree_dhjmMy oc wall is my fav part <3 full of oc goodies ive gotten throughout the years even before the move.

It brings me such joy after living in an RV for like a year and before that living in a house where I wasn't allowed to do anything with my room to now having a space to call my own and feel happy in.

If anyone wants close up pics/descriptions of any of the items shown, let me know. <3 ^^ I'd love to show off. I'm also open to selling/trading some specific things BUT that's a huge maybe since shipping is a huge problem for me rn

Thanks all <3

Normal Image

Posted 8 days, 13 hours ago by DaylightJamboree


He's uh... standing right behind me, isnt he? /ref

HAI SO I'm cleaning my files and wanted everyone to know, I'm gonna be making every character on this profile an individual profile and probably redesigning and giving a majority of them away. Sit for a tale! I am going to tell you of the ancient year.... 2010ish

I didn't have a super happy childhood tbh, which is why I've given away a TON of old ocs whom I associated with it. But, one happy part of my childhood was DA-- (though admittedly I shouldn't have been on it as a child-)

I remember spending HOURS on DA looking at adoptables and making things in flash games. I didn't really make them with intent to ever like... make them actual ocs, I just loved digital art and the funny little characters I'd make. I made hundreds of these things as a child, I know that, but sadly these are some of the only surviving ones (though I know on a flashdrive someday I'll find more... since we had to leave behind a lot in the move)

I really have fond memories with some of these unlike some old Tikiti ocs which slowly were tainted for me; these guys are just pure innocence bundled in a jpeg from 2010, but I'll be honest I don't really. Wanna keep them all, and I know some people really love nostalgic looking 2010 ocs, so I'm gonna be giving a number of the ones I don't see myself ever reusing away for art.

Art offers can be super low (a few sketches or a headshot or w/e) and all art I want would be of Day

I don't know where any of these creators are now btw. You'll have to google yourself, there's 40 of them-- IDK if i can find them all. 

I'm gonna be uploading them one by one and slowly redraw them all; feel free to offer art in the meantime. I'm gonna at least add a bust to each but it might take a moment.

Here's a file with all of them if anyone wants to peek at them all at once. it'll probably take a moment for me to upload them all and once I do feel free to offer on the ones I'm not keeping. Any that aren't offered on in like, a week I'll be storing away again.

A link to this bulletin will be on all their profiles for context.


EDIT: UPLOADED THEM ALL! Might give away a few for free eventually to a good home. For now tho I'll be doing redesigns slowly but surely

Oc Collections? (Question for funsies!)

Posted 9 days, 7 hours ago by DaylightJamboree

Do you collect specific themes of OCs?

5 Votes Nah, not for me!
13 Votes Yes!!!
21 Votes OH HECK YES I DO! (pours out a bucket of ocs onto the floor)

I'm working on this + organizing before I do some cleaning and wanted to ask, does anyone else have collections of designs ? Like all of the same theme! Or designer! I'd love to see some tags/folders

For me I am working on having a collection of these themes: Yellow, Burger, Eevee(?), Haired Dogs, and I'm gonna be adding a few more but I need to think of things I'd like to collect.... would it be funny to make a demon/alastor folder....

I also wanna start collecting specific adopts by designers that aren't problematic bc I LOVE SUPPORTING ARTISTS!!!!! And I don't care if people call me a hoarder MY FAV ARTISTS SHOULD TAKE MY MONEY!!!

I really wanna have more ocs but I feel bad bc I also wanna invest in art but I ALSO WANT OCS

(ps I'm trying to do better at responding to people and it has only been a day but I am doing okay at it and keeping my notifs low so i do not explode with anxiety looking at an inbox of 100 msgs :thumbs up: wish me luck)

Lore + Names needed!

Posted 9 days, 10 hours ago by DaylightJamboree

HAI SO I'm working on lore and Ive realized. I have ocs I wanna put in Somnio who I don't think would comfortably fit into the first game's narrative SO. We got an act two folder bay-bee!! Plan is for these ocs to show up either after the main game or in content that is supplementary (comics/amvs/short stories/short games). Lil side quests! This is so the main story isn't muddled too bad and I can give every oc their time to shine. :3

IDEALLY my dream is to continue Somnio after I finish the first game BUT. THAT IS A SUPER LONG TIME IN THE FUTURE bc I'm still dealing w health stuff and it's hard to make stuff while I am

These OCs will be getting bios/short blurbs about them (all of them will... uh, eventually-) BUT here's a short sentence or two for each

- + - A strange duo, sort of Rodger Rabbit/Jessica Rabbit lovers who are also evil. They use the power of birthdays and parties to cause mayhem!

- + her siblings - I literally can barely explain these bc they are so spoiler-y BUT they're three guards who've been guarding something for a long time...

- - An evil time traveler who knows the future!

As well, while I'm here, here's some recent ocs and info abt them that I feel a need to share but haven't gotten the opportunity to! - A bartender who makes potions.... for a price. He's a bit sleazy and rude, he was formerly a pirate before the captain died. Him and Captain Crash might be siblings, though they no longer get along.

(speaking of the pirates, I might combine both the captain and king character because it'd make a lot of sense!! Maybe the king was formerly a pirate before settling down to be king with his crew :3) - Fry and my other burger ocs now live in an area called "the gated playplace" (name wip) which is sorta like Starlight Glimmer's town from mlp, but a suburb mixed with a playground. Like a cult town but everything is kidcore and burgers and everyone is always happy.... even if against their will... >:3 Fry is the main character here next to Happyburger, though Fry seems to fit in a lot better than happy. Also Oswald is being made the mayor of this burger paradise, and I'm changing his old info! is gonna be overtaking the role as First's ex probably also! I originally wanted them and her ex to be separate characters but I haven't found an oc for the role and it'd make sense in the narrative for Light to take the role. 

NONE OF THIS probably makes sense... I'll write an outline or something. I'm working on a lot of stuff! Just trust me as I reorganize slowly inbetween comms.

ALSO!! If anyone is good with names: i got a few ocs who need them!!

IM ALSO DOWN FOR HEADCANONS FOR ANY OF MY OCS!!! If anyone would like to :3

I'm gonna do some writing and organizing before jumping back into ychs today!!! thanks for reading!!

New ych type + Working all day

Posted 10 days, 7 hours ago by DaylightJamboree

Is a rainbow banana considered ripe ...?

8 Votes Yeah duh.
0 Votes Um, no?
15 Votes No but it'll turn you gay!
8 Votes mmm nana.....mmmm

Made a new YCH type (again) bc I wanted one specifically for pride that I can hopefully keep open for a while :,3 I really REALLY love how this one turned out so I hope y'all do too; it's a remake of an old old ych i did.



Its gonna be $7 ea; weird number iK but it's mostly bc paypal fees X,0 I wanted to charge $6 but that is basically $5 bc of fees WAH

also I'll be working on owed all night :) Hoping to finish a lipsync for someone and a ton of comms/ATs-- i think I need to respond to some ppl on the AT bulletin so i will do that