DaylightJamboree's Bulletins

LPS showcase

Posted 25 days, 12 hours ago by DaylightJamboree

I wanted to take pics of these to show my new irl friend but since I did and I know TH community loves LPS I wanted to show them here too!!

Since we had to move I wasn't able to bring a lot of my old LPS, so these are all from the last two (?) years of thrifting :P also some were given to me by the awesome beautifilled <3


Here are some favs!20240519_165821_by_daylightjamboree_dhfl

Some are also the new gen from walmart :P

If anyone wants to see some of my other collections LMK, I have a few + it'd give me an excuse to tidy up XD I collect:
- Webkinz
- Sanrio (yall should see my hello kitty shelves....)
- BABs (tho i've shown these XD)
- MLP g1 and g3
- Furry art...?
- I have a few garfield things !!!

as well as various trinkets and toys!

my room looks like TOTAL garbo rn or i'd show off more rn..... i have a passion for thrifting/cleaning old toys and finding them !!! I do need to downsize tho.... but idk how to sell irl stuff XD

edit: also the next bulletin will probs be a bit more serious bc I had some concerns w me using mcdonalds imagery bc of a boycott i didnt know abt. I'm thinking of how to word it but just as a heads up!! It'll be posted tn probably or day after tmrw when i am home, so I can put disclaimers on my mcdonalds ocs.


I NEED ART OF DAY SO BAD but currently most of my art money is going to vaccines for the kittens and other irl stuff for my family :crying kitten image:
LF art of IC + other ocs if u offer multiple pieces, offering: 

or anyone in HappilyEverAfter <-- I'd do 1 sketch or headshot each for ocs here:

I can afford a bit of art but my budget is small T^T,,, and I don't wanna spend a ton until i'm sure irl stuff is ok and I finish my queue! I will update the trello tmrw and probably close a few ychs too (namely dance one)


i have fully submitted to the burger/mcdonalds  kidcore aesthetic demon

I REALLY need a lore excuse to have these fuckgn burger ocs in Somnio I refuse to move them. To another story I love them too much LOL
I'm probably gonna edit the schoolhouse area into a sort of mcdonalds playplace area where they all live. I do have a level in the game in my brain involving the burger resturant JoyfulBurger. I'd talk abt it but idk if it'd be spoilers...

For now though I will collect all burger. All of them.

Also happyburger might become a sona. NGL.....

Need to get the bubger ocs art soon

ngl i am so uninspired when it comes to writing rn so sorry my profiles look like dogshit LOL they might for a bit

like I want to draw my ocs but idk what to draw or write so I am???? I am die.......

I'm still fine to do ychs and commissions in fact i think that's all I can do rn bc I am just staring at my ocs rn like..... you bitches r so jumbled in my head

grips day and throws him down the stairs 

$10 GleepGlorp Customs

Posted 27 days, 9 hours ago by Mickey DaylightJamboree

okay I'm gonna try this. idk if anyone would be interested but

I wanna make GleepGlorps but I have. 0 ideas so

GleepGlorps are alien cats, I made this lil alien cat base and it fills me with joyous whimsy so I wanna make more. this isnt a species its just. alien cats XDgleep_glorp_by_daylightjamboree_dhf1g6i-

EXs of GleepGlorps:


One GleepGlorp on this base is $10, tho tbh I'd do 4 for $30...

here's a form:

👽 Username:

👽 Theme/moodboard/song/description: (just whatever u want your gleepglorp to be based on! Can be as loose or as specific as u want) (if you want a surprise just say "surprise me", No NSFW/s/h themes plss)

👽 payment: $10 cashapp/paypal

For a limited time I will also take customs as payment.... Only 5 slots for custom trade gleepglorps. Pls link custom examples/the base u would make ur custom on!!!

Feel free to also just recommend themes for gleepglorps and maybe I'll make em and sell em for $10

I prommy i will do my ychs soon but i really wanna draw gleepglorps....

I went out today and i met a human being and i DIDNT ruin everything and seem like a weirdo! Wow! And i didnt cry once

Real life is a real place its crazy

I need to do commissions soon but im still out waHHH ill do some when im home

comms update + thrifty yaaay!

Posted 1 month, 8 hours ago by DaylightJamboree

HAI!!! Back from thrifting, it was a great day!! I found:

- 2 webkinz pitbulls with tags!! one for me one for a friend <3

- 1 vintage 1980s care bear(cheer bear)

- a bunch of ponies!! g3 and g1

- A 1970s my melody wallet!

- some clothes for my 'kinz <3

Commissions r being worked on tho I might take the rest of the night off too bc im so sore </3 also dancy dances will remain open and I really am hoping I can fit in some art trade slots soon if I get stuff done fast enough

Ty :3

Brb thrift tiem

Posted 1 month, 18 hours ago by DaylightJamboree


42 Votes Im manifesting

i have a bujch of notifs but im gonna BRB rn im going to the bins..... and do thrift in general!!! Ill be back soon to respond to everyone and update the trello AND with a thrift haul...

Manifest webkinz and build a bears and LPS 🙏 PLEASE hello kitty BAB

Mostly doing this bc if i respond to dms now i might forgor </3 

OCs for art (mini EO)

Posted 1 month, 1 day ago by DaylightJamboree

just organizing, added a few more to my sale/trade folder, check em out n offer if u want :3

Might move some back eventually!

trying to organize a few things and i want to talk abt how. I LOVE BURGER OCs......

shout out to happy burger one of my favs......... joyous whimsy 

I find burger awesome. Like mcdondalds? yeah.

No but seriously I need to come up with a lore excuse to have a shit ton of burger ocs + a burger themed area/level. I kinda have an idea but need to brainstorm more

also might make Oswald a bit more burger-esque (outfit wise at least) bc I decided a while ago he's gonna be the boss of the burger joint.....

pls link ur burger ocs I need to witness. pls.

also ignore all the bulletins im kinda hyper its ok