DaylightJamboree's Bulletins


Starting Price - $35, each slot is numbered in the topleft corner of the video. You get:

- Animation of main dance 

- Custom simple(ish) background, backgrounds will be one color/gradient with white lineart but can be anything (IE a beach, a forest, a party, a house)

- Headshot at end of video

- Whatever other extra animations are featured in your timeslot

As well I might add various other group pictures alongside these but idk yet how many/ what they'd look like ;;o;;'

Complex designs are +$5-10, I can tell you what designs are complex before you buy!

Things I can change/Do:
- Add more OCs in the background  (EX. if your background is a house, I can add an OC sleeping on the couch. Don't overdo it though LOL)
- Change expressions of any animation
- Do almost any anthro species (EXCEPTION is nude humans, mechs, super complex knight armor and such) can make feral ocs anthro
- Provide most seps upon the video's completion (though I'm forgetful w this-- you'll probably have to poke me several times for em. If you have flash I can also just send the .fla file)

I can also do other requests, ask before you buy if you'd like to ask to change something specific bc it might cost a tad extra.

Things I won't be doing for this:
- Completely changing the main dance
- LARGELY Changing the anatomy/body type of the main dance (can change it slightly height wise/do plus sized ocs but please don't send me something super wild LOL)

1. 0:03 - 0:11

2. 0:11 - 0:18 LunarLex

3. 0:18 - 0:25

4. 0:25 - 0:30

A: 0:30 - 0:34

5. 0:34 - 0:38 apotheoseity

6. 0:38 - 0:41

7. 0:41 - 0:45 ShrimpTempura

8. 0:45 - 0:49 @w4yf1nder

9. 0:50 - 0:52 Rumblelurin 

10. 0:53 - 0:56 Limezime

11. 0:56 - 1:00 -  @

12. 1:01 - 1:04

I also fucked up and there's an extra slot I've just dubbed. Slot A, if nobody buys it I'll likely figure out. smth else to do w it
FCFS buy as many slots as you'd like no limit per person
These are early bird slots; no art/trades $$$ only! 

in the future if there r slots remaining I might take trade for some!


Slot you want: (1-12 or slot A)


Background: (can be as simple as "Forest with animals watching" or can be complex with references and such)

Any special requests?: (expressions / questions / etc)

Fill out multiple forms if ordering multiple slots :D

will respond to everyone in a bit i am tired and am gonna hit the woe

nightmare parade - interest check

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by DaylightJamboree

would you buy a slot for a nightmare parade YCH

13 Votes yes!
3 Votes no!
6 Votes IDK i just wanted to vote lmfaOOO

Interest check for a nightmare parade meme, looking at a minimum 10-12 slots at around $30-35 each?

If enough people r interested i might extend the meme and make the slots...... plentiful . like do the whole song LOL

OH p.s. this will be opened soon, need to know how many ppl want one. Comes w a bunch of thiiings

animation for the main dance is already planned out

LF OCs + New years resolution

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by DaylightJamboree

HEY! So i know im late, but i've decided my new years resolution after a whole month o' thinking...

That is, before the end of the year, I want to finish the majority of my story plans for Somnio and start progress on an animatic pilot! If it be small progress even; it's hard for me to work on big projects bc of my mental health so I'm making no promises of anything huge, but I feel like this year is the year things will get better.

That means in the coming months, I'd like to finalize getting OCs and get a consistent cast. 

That'll mean less OC selling/trading ofc which is a coping mechanism of mine... but I feel like if I do this it'll be better in the long run. It's my dream to publish something, and this will hopefully be the start of my something. I'm gonna. TRY to not sell like every oc i get that i don't constantly use........ bc. that's kinda toxic anyways but

I have a lot to do... and I was gonna open commissions to get money after my to do list was done, but now I'm feeling very inspired.... I want to fill out my cast.

OFFERING on base customs for on base customs!! Here's the base I made recently;
You're welcome to use a base for your part, a personal base or nah!

Can also offer trades of ocs on




and here:

LF CUSTOMS or premades mostly LF dogs, anthro or feral. ^^

Please only offer ocs/designs whose designers would allow use of their designs in such a project that in the future may be monetized (AKA commercial use). If you are uncomfortable w your designs being used in projects as such, don't offer please!!

I might repost this seeking bulletin once I get more cash so I can properly pay ppl, I hate asking for so much art with only art payments, but.... moneys confusing rn ;;

YKW actually EO

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by DaylightJamboree

Im really down im gonna do something to not be depressed
EO on almost everyone on this and these accs

Jamsbunnies Tikiti HappilyEverAfter

UHHH EXCEPTIONS are X, Day, First, Francis, Max, Jam, Nebula, and STATIC

UHhbhbhb mostly want $$$ or trades


i just woke up and im already upset so here's a trades bulletin

LF art, money, or $$$

Looking at offers on: - Might just redesign her but idk, her design's really pretty and i don't wanna ruin it, looking to trade her for another oc or some customs 

ENT: bought him kinda impulsivELY but i, need to ,draw him..,.. ,LF trade art or resale (25) 

Working on art now + commissions will b opened soon after the art is doneee

Commission poll

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by DaylightJamboree

Comm type?

4 Votes Icons (8-10$)
4 Votes Fullbodies (15$)
6 Votes Customs ($15-20)
16 Votes Animated videos/ych (35+)

What kind of commissions would you like to see? Thisd be after my to do list is cleared and all trades r done

Three Familiar Faces + Lore

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by DaylightJamboree

hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii so we're gonna ignore the fact that i slept until 5 pm today and im gonna talk abt lore


FIRSTLY........ UHHH SO, these three might look... familiar LOL

Hello Max, Jam, and Neb

These r possibly placeholder (?) designs for villains in my story but the more i've been thinking abt it i could just keep em and have it be an alternate universe situation or smth

I NEEDED designs for a demi god/king and two mysterious jesters who bickered amongst themselves and i was like.... oh wait that sounds familiar OTL

UHH IM NOT SURE IF THIS WILL BE PERMANENT i might eventually redesign them to not look like their inspo 

but for now i basically made kinsonas of my own old ocs LOL /j

Lore wise, basically im changing a few things abt the seamstresses. Glendale and Jax r still canon...

Story goes, in order to defeat the Hatter and prevent him from taking over the world, two seamstresses needed to climb the stars to reach Destiny and ask for the powers to do so. In the war, as the king and his armies stalled the ancient beast, the seamstresses snuck behind The Hatter and, before he could notice, turned him to stone.

The only casualty of the war was the king, and after he died and his friend who was supposed to take the throne in his absence went missing, the two seamstresses were dubbed as the new queens of Morn.

Many years later, on one rainy night... three mysterious creatures appeared on the castle doorstep. 

Three jesters known only as Star, Sun, and Moon requested shelter. In return, the three promised to throw the best party ever right in Morn. Jax was amused, Glendale weary... but the two allowed them in their home.

The three did as they promised, and for a week they prepped for the party. Until mysteriously... Jax and Glendale disappeared. According to staff and the Jesters themselves, the two gave the crown and their godly powers to the smallest Jester, Moon, and escaped into the night. Nobody knows why...

The jesters took the throne, though Moon is technically queen really Sun and Star pull the strings. They've been throwing their party in Morn for many years now... and though the people are always amused they're also blissfully unaware of what exactly the Jesters future plans...

They don't seem like good news.

I also might post a trading bulletin right after this lol

UHHHHH OTHER than this + changing some things in my chapter i released earlier this week, I would like to continue writing Somnio's story in chapters and publish em like. as I go maybe. IDK

Experimental Headshot/Icon ATs

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by DaylightJamboree


I wanna experiment w colors and things and IDK if I should take money for things that might be very much played around with

will probably look similar to these but 400x400 iconsaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.png

LF art of any of the following from this folder, u can choose who !! i'd love some art of my non-mains rn bc i wanna use other ocs more

Can also do icons/art foooooooor ocs premades or customs smile...

might open these for commission after gathering examples

Also mini to-do:
- Collab Lineart (Toyota - emptyproxy - stanarchy) (i am putting these on hold just for a day or two bc after like 5 adopts im a little burnt out today and i dont wanna rush them i hope thats ok OTL)

(will do/start the following tonight) vv

- Owed art for bitterbatwingz)

Also as a mini life update, stuff is looking a lot better money wise I think? Idrk what's happening but I think we will be getting housing very soon and things will hopefully settle down and i can stop stressing abt it ; ; still im saving most of my money from sales in case!

tysm everyone for being here!

HIIII SO I really need story suggestions for some new ocs/headcanons ;; 

I only rlly have story plans rn for Day/First/X/Francis/Mark and the rest i've been. drawin' blanks for

Headcanons for personality traits/quirks/maybe jobs some of them could do would be great? Or suggestions for anything, really ;;0;;

I'll try to respond to everyone with headcanons of their ocs as well if wanted!!

but if not i'll like. figure out another way to pay ppl whos headcanons I use OTLLLL maybe anyone who comments will be entered into a raffle or something idk i have been not keeping up with everything,,,, 

i just really wanna figure out the personalities/jobs of some of these guys n im drawing blanks OTL

Urgent Commissions (NOT MINE)

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by DaylightJamboree

A mutual of mine fortenium is movin' out and needs help!!!

Their art is amazing, go commission them!!!!! <:D their style is amazing and I looove their YCHs, look at some they made for me recently and go get your own!!
