House of Slaughter

House of Slaughter

A huge mansion in the middle of the universe-sized flower shop that is Lilium Emporium. It houses only the most vile & deranged genocidal maniacs. While they all bonded over their similar goal to exterminate humanity, they...surprisingly get along in very strange & goofy ways! These maniacs were all originally from other universes, but assembled in the mansion lead by two of the strongest threats to humanity.

  • The story happens in Lilium Emporium.
  • This explores a lot of sensitive subjects, mainly: murder, genocide, war, cannibalism, violence, kidnapping & more.
  • This is a collaborative AU with ShadowChromia, as some of the AUs are owned by them!


Executioner Group

Executed Group

That One Okeanos


The House's Enemy

Main OC Humanoid Male Gore OK Brainworms Female Non-binary Pokemon Anthro Feral HoS Persona Penumbra Backrooms