✧❝ Fandom ❞✧


• games / anime / tv shows •

All OCs in this folder belongs to a determined anime, game or show. They are definitly not canon and some might even not be so "original". A few can even be "Mary Sue" or "cringe", but all of them give me much pride and joy.

The OCs in this folder doesn't belongs to a specific story but if they are in the same fandom assume they live in the same universe and they may interact with each other or even with "canon" OCs of their media. I might take tentative offers on some of the characters here, but don't be offended if I refuse your offer since I might have some level of attachment to them.

pokemon skitty pokefusion need reference sheet need story need to draw it need icon WIP profile need more art open for offers plus 3 terra creature FOREVER HOMED WIP comfort OC favorite OC terra sprout neopets candy gore ok neopet