


You can comment, DM, or reach me on discord- eternallymax 

  • Cash Offers - Mostly always accepted. Vouchers for art by my favorite artists is great too! For vouchers, I prefer the artist to be paid directly rather than going through me, but I can also provide receipt of payment as well.
  • Art Offers - Would love some couple art- especially chibis and halfbodies/scenes. Absolutely happy to consider single art too, please just specify what you are offering and link either your gallery or art style!
  • Trades - Please see my Trade Preferences for any trade offers- I will be more hesitant on trades unless they fit into any ideas/roles. 
  • Customs - Not really looking for character customs right now, but would love some new outfits for my characters!

Sale Single Trade Johdaa EO Beloved Tentative Loved Offers Okay Fantasy Outfit wardrobe Sweet Taken Art Forever Super Triplets Dahlia Merfolk