A Group of Misfits


The lone traveler, Sky, never asked to have a child and two animal creatures follow him around on his travels. But life's unexpected in that way. Sky soon realizes that he stuck with them, whether he likes it or not.

All Sky ever remembers is being alone, rejected. That's what he's used to. Being born looking like what the demon is said look in the legends of his species, many don't trust him, and he's forced out of places constantly. But when he meets those three, he's genuinely surprised.

He has to learn to live with the group, and get along with them. Despite his... Grumpy attitude. And a dark secret he hides from everyone.


Universe: Elemental Earth
Story Type: Unsure (chapter story pending decision)

A Group of Misfits, or AGOM for short, follows from the perspective of Sky, who is a traveler who goes all across America, starting from when he was sixteen.

Sky gets himself finding a small group to go with him. Starting with Terra, a little flying talking cat creature called a Kitsfell. Later being joined by Isaac, a Winged with a missing wing. And Kyubi, a kitsune fascinated by the culture of the greater species.

With the group of four, they continue on their travels, finding different scenarios that they get into. Even finding themselves in trouble with some...less than pleasant people. The group pushes their way through. Unaware of the one searching for two years for Sky.




Isaac is a cheerful little fellow, always seeming to take what life throws at him. He was found by Sky and Terra, and was reluctantly allowed to join in, after learning he had no where to go. But eventually Sky learns to care about the guy, like a little brother.



Sassy and fun loving, Kyubi was a bit late to join the group, being caught trying to steal some food. Luckily, the group took sympathy on her, letting her join in. Where she likes to joke and make fun with them, much to Sky's dismay.



The Grumpy protagonist of the story, Sky is a traveler, getting into many shenanigans and situations with the group he finds himself with. While he seems like he acts like he doesn't care about them, maybe he really does after all.



Terra was the first found by Sky, where she quickly decided to stick with him, without him putting much input into it. But she quickly decided she cares about Sky, and wants to stay with him no matter what.



Sky's younger sister, a sweet gal who always tries to keep a smile on her face. After getting separated from her brother two years before, she spent a ton of time searching for him. And eventually is reunited with him, where she travels along with him.

Character tokens made by LadyRaven on DA!

Female Male Human Pokemon Wings Winged Monster male female Ice Cat Electric Alien Fox Water human Magic Kitsfell Psychic Fish