


│Clan theme

prairie endurance rabbits fieldmice gophers hawks badgers coyotes

Open Skies, Open Hearts

BrightClan cats live in an open field of grass and dirt, exposed to the elements. The typically sand-colored cats eat rabbits, mice, and prairie dogs. Thanks to the wide-open spaces, BrightClan cats are the best runners and have the most endurance.

Appearance Description

Body Build

Typically slim cats with lean muscle for endurance running, not very tall.
Fur type

Short, often sand-colored or pale shades of brown.


Speed, Endurance, Awareness


Swimming, Low Temperatures, Strong Winds.


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BrightClan territory is between rocky EchoClan on one side and the canyon where the Tribe of Red Sand lives on the other. They have one of the most straightforward paths to the Great Gathering Stone. They are second farthest from the Moon Field, making that a long journey.


The leader of BrightClan speaks to their clan from the lowest branch of a dead tree. The leader’s den is inside the hollow trunk.


Between the edge of the dry riverbed and some wild rose bushes is the medicine den. Herbs are stored in a small space dug out by the first medicine cat decades ago.


Across the camp from the medicine den is the nursery, a cozy place inside a large fallen log, separated from the elders by a wall of twigs and mud in the middle. More thickets and brambles mark the den shared by warriors and Apprentices. Apprentices train in an area outside camp where the long grass has been flattened after repeated use.


The sun shines brightly and there is very little shade, most cooling provided by strong wind blowing across the prairie.


The cats here eat mostly rabbits, mice, and prairie dogs/gophers.


Because they are mostly open to the sky, hawks can be very dangerous. Kits must be watched carefully so they aren't carried away. The badger on EchoClan territory occasionally wanders into theirs looking for food and water. They are sometimes burdened by drought, and other times by flash flooding after heavy and unexpected rainfall.


Four littermates were born in a crumbling overgrown twoleg nest during dreadful weather. Their names were Bright, Echo, Storm, and Frost. The four grew up together hearing stories from Heart, their mother, about the strong clans that used to be around. The world was full of them, once. They had been forced to split up into smaller and smaller groups as territories turned to twoleg places. After a series of large disasters, there was now less of the twolegs wandering into nature and tearing up forests. It was time for cats to band together and provide safety and family like they used to. Such arrangements were needed now more than ever in the wake of such tumultous events.

When their mother passed, Bright, Echo, Storm, and Frost decided to make her dreams reality and form a clan. In the traditional style of clan cats, they added second names to their own, each taking the suffix "Heart" After their mother.

Brightheart was a cheerful she-cat who often took the lead with her littermates. She led them out of the abandoned twolegplace and into the wild as they traveled and found more cats together. HeartClan was doing well, but they were beginning to get tired of travel and some of the cats, especially the expecting queens, wished for a place to settle and rest permanently.

Echoheart and a handful of others decided to end their journey in the rock-laden field that today makes up EchoClan territory. The rest of the HeartClan, led by Brightheart, regretfully said their farewells and agreed to find their own territories in the area, not wanting to live in the dark caves. Before they left, Echoheart proposed that the siblings arrange to meet up every full moon at an especially large boulder, so they could catch up on news and see how each group was doing. The rest eagerly agreed, and that was the beginning of the regular clan gatherings, the number of cats attending increasing each year from just the siblings, to them and their families, to a large portion of each clan wanting to socialize with the others.

Brightheart decided to let her littermates choose where they would live first, wanting to ensure they were pleased with their territories and feeling responsible as the oldest. She ended up with the open field near Echoheart's Clan, and decided to set up camp in the shallow shelter of a dried up riverbank. Of the cats that stayed with her instead of going with a littermate, she eventually found love with a wonderful she-cat and the two lived out their days in peace, raising a few kittens who had lost their parents as their own.


Prefix is usually named after behaviours, appearance, weather, surroundings, or plants and animals in the area (Hop-, Tall-, Wind-, Dust-, Aster-, Rabbit-, etc).

Suffix often comes from accomplishments, personality, appearance, skills, or significant life changes (-catcher, -joy, -tail, -talk, -heart).




Standard StarClan/DarkForest


Brightheart, the first clan leader, has had many great tales told about her... Most of them major exaggerations that came about over the yearsof retellings.




Behavior Towards...


Clanmates are treated with love and respect. BrightClan cats who do extraordinary things are talked about in stories passed down through the clan, and their names are not allowed to be used again out of respect. Cats who do terrible things are exiled from the clan and never spoken of again, their names can be reused because they act as though the cat never existed.


Kittypets are kindly but firmly escorted back to the nearest twoleg place. If a kittypet has returned to the territory multiple times, they are offered the opportunity to become a part-time apprentice. Part-time apprentices do not receive a warrior name unless they leave kittypet life and join the clan full time, but they are welcome to remain a part-time apprentice as long as they are helpful to the clan.


Loners are mostly left alone as long as they don't cause trouble or use up resources, and are simply passing through. If a well-behaved and familiar loner is found injured or in trouble, BrightClan will take them in for treatment and let them go once they feel well enough.


Rogues are given one warning. If there is a second sighting by a patrol, they will attack to drive them off.

StarClan is treated with respect and reverence. Cats in tune with StarClan, such as the medicine cat, medicine cat apprentice, or others who have honed a deeper connection than typically expected are equally treated with respect and reverence. Because their camp is open to the night sky, BrightClan cats believe they have a strong connection to StarClan than most of the other clans. This has never been definitively proven.

BrightClan has had a few border skirmishes with Echoclan in the past, but rarely. EchoClan normally stays to themselves. The biggest issue is the badger that keeps straying from its EchoClan home onto BrightClan territory. BrightClan dislikes the image of living in caves instead of seeing the open sky, and does not know how EchoClan can stand it.

FrostClan is very far from BrightClan and they do not interact often aside from gatherings.

BrightClan do not run into the Red-Sands Tribe often, and have not battled over territory or resources. On occasion, if BrightClan is struggling with drought, the Red-Sands Tribe will allow the BrightClan cats to come and drink from the river by their camp. Conversely, in the case of flash flooding affecting the Tribe cats, BrightClan will invite them to take shelter in their territory.

BrightClan has been offered help and support from the prosperous StormClan many times through history. When prey or herbs are scarce, StormClan provides what they can spare. A StormClan cat found in their territory is eagerly welcomed and thanked.