The Burning Fields

plant!humanization . 191Xth (psychology . history . drama . thriller)

Across the Burning Fields

Story creation date: July of 2019

Preferred way of realization: webcomic (series)/ character ask

Description: At the beginning of the XXth century the world is politicaly divided like never before. Young men from all over the country are conscripted to their nation's army to fight for their Motherland. Would those who got involved be able to return to their normal lives or was their fate forever sealed by the horrors they inevitably became a part of?

extra info & notice

This fictional world is inhabited by people who are descended from plants. (The story was originally made for Plants Humanization Character Ask in VK. However, both the co-author and me did not end up going there.)

Their society was historically formed with the account of the way each of the plant tribes had traditionally led their lives. In a modern world family roots do not affect their social status, or so it seems. Although statistically, for some representatives of their ancestors' plant the area in which they live or the type of work they perform did not change much with the passage of time.

NOTICE(!): (This story does not involve any countries or political regimes that happen to be a part of our reality. Countries that take part in this armed conflict are all purely fictional. However, the beginning of the XXth century and some of it's specifics were taken as the basis for the story and the armed conflict depicted in it for the purpose of more accurate depiction of manifestations of war.)

This is the story my friend and I had started making together. Because of that some of the major and background characters, their concepts and designds belong to my friend, the co-autor, and are posted here with her full permission. All of them are marked accordingly in their character profiles. I was also given a full permission by her to freely use all of these characters in this story and other works that are related to it, draw them, implement them in a plot and further develop them as characters.

Yuutas sister Morion Hello its me Steven Universe I just draw myself that way. My friend made him for the roleplaying purposes an Hes a guy Zircon