
dog no series original species lichthund doberman heart of darkness human boy spectre shadow monster hound ID alien monster characters requiring updated refs penguin mammoth underbed shadow dragon dogdaze creature pitbull gascon saintongeois winged dog underbed monster closed species fan character finsterhund puppy design adopt shadow-based lifeform kid lore monster vostruo fursona crack classic-type spectres hybrid species fanon spectre bernese mountain dog double spectre console dog halloween stuffed animal red heeler gecko idk shadow wizard dalmatian kaleesh imaginary friends old english sheepdog cat based on real life regular human boy robot unnamed parody character hybrid spaniel light penguin standard poodle porcelain hound pinguihund mixed breed placeholder primitive gnoll cursed object anglerfish dark lord authoritarian dirtbag papillon dogs chihuahua open species kitten mutt earthboy synthetic being shadow goblin parody of art theft stegosaurus oc stuffed toy armadillo self insert plushie ps1 paladin neon cognitohazard multiple characters frog MIB childhood leathersaur comfort character closet monster undecided breed project dogstar parody of a traced drawing of one of my characters auroch design created by others constellation parody black and tan coonhound beagle kidcore playstation lisa frank haunted item group of characters monster from under the bed hatman star wars superheroes corgi character rights limbo domestic medium hair spectres closet beast mouse shih-tzu rainbow astrodon