The Zihari System

--> T H E  Z I H A R I  S Y S T E M <--

When evolution takes a strange turn, Earth becomes not a planet of Humankind, but a planet of birds.  Now called Iotis, the intelligent population of avians has its own history, culture, and way of life.  Technology is advanced, and space travel is accomplished by way of the space bridge.  However, no planet has been explored beyond the solar system.

On one fateful day, a crew of seagulls called the Warp Star Crew sets out to explore the planet Helios - a planet beyond the solar system's farthest reaches.  But as they step into the space bridge, something goes terribly wrong.  Coordinates change, and the team is flung into another system altogether - the Zihari System.  This solar system, as well as its surrounding systems, is in chaos.  A group of birds that call themselves the Raimorn thrives on claiming territory and bickering amongst themselves.  Violent, dangerous, dictatorial, and obsessed with gambling for territory there is a level of unpredictability within Zihari at all times.

The Warp Star Crew's main goal is to get home.  But maybe, just maybe, they hold the key to bringing the Zihari System together in peace once more.


-- Iotis --

Iotis is an isolated planet.  As far as its population knows, it is the only planet capable of supporting life.  Thousands of species of birds live together peacefully, constructing massive cities and always innovating new technologies.  Although the farthest reaches of the solar system is left untouched, they are perfecting space bridge technology to travel safely and quickly lightyears at a time.

-- Freyeon --

Freyeon was one of the most densely populated planets before the Raimorn came through and destroyed most of it.  It was home of many different alien creatures.  Now it remains in ruins, but still millions of its inhabitants try to hold their own against Raimorn forces.  The rebellion hasn't gotten too far, but it shows no sign of stopping.

-- Santiago --

Santiago was known as the most peaceful of Zihari's planets.  Now it serves as one of the few places different Raimorn factions can meet peacefully on.  However, apart from the main city everything has become either rubble, cruel expirimental research facilities, or prisons which house the most valuable hostages the Raimorn factions possess.