
Dusthaven is a small world orbiting around a small sun, far away from any other civilised world. It's skies are made up of dust so thick it forms clouds and blocks out light, and dust settles in layers on the surface. It's colonised by a few thousand humans who arrived there by spaceship and now live within the safety of domed houses and venture outside only if wearing beaked masks.

The community is made up of:

  • The Captain the designated leader of the small settlement. Lives in the long dead spacecraft, along with a few other people.
  • Dusters are one of the main jobs in the town. They sweep the dust off of roofs and clear the piles from the streets. They take this dust out to the edge of town, where it's compacted and made into blocks for building. Dusting is a constant job, both inside buildings and out. Morning dusters clear the streets of the night's dust, then evening dusters come in to continue the work late into the evening. Workers who compact the dust alternate with their morning and evening teammates so they don't have the same job everyday.
  • Farmers include growers, livestock and hunters. Their colour differs slightly for which they are; growers have a greenish-yellow, livestock has a red tinge and hunters have pure yellow. Growers mostly grow plants inside huge glasshouses, though there are some plants that only survive outside and they class this as foraging. The plants inside need the dusters to bring in dust for the nutrition and survive on that and water. Livestock is kept outside in large enclosures and usually all together, unless they don't agree. Hunters tend to only hunt if absolutely needed and otherwise work foraging or looking after the animals.
  • Maskufacturers make the masks everyone wears. In the early years these masks were simple sewn, but now they include tech such as the lights for the colours, heat cameras and an adapter for the filters in the beak. They've also become more creative as people wanted to customise their masks. These mask makers were once known as face makers, but the town decided to change the name because it wasn't the most inviting title.
  • Tailors make the clothes that protect everyone from the dust. Obviously you can't keep the dust out entirely, but a good tailor can get very darn close to doing that. Not only do they make the clothes, but they weave the fabric from plants and dye them with stains found on Dusthaven too.
  • Tutors, depending on induvidual's skillset, teach anything from preschool lessons up to mechanics and bioscience. They teach in classrooms, workplaces and in the field.
  • Engineers look after pretty much anything mechanical and IT. Their light ranges from light blue for those who specialise in the computer side of things, to dark blue for those who fix and build physical objects. They're a vital part of keeping the town running.
  • Scientists, bioscientists and every other -scientist needed. Many work out in the field, identifying possible food sources (Or at least things that will and won't kill you), while others work in labs recording data that's brought in and experimenting with new ways of making things easier to live.
  • Explorers head out into the dust clouds to see what lies beyond the town, collecting samples for the scientists and any interesting artifacts. They usually document their progress day by day. More recent bands of explorers have not been coming back...
  • Artists are the creatives who bring stories and art to the community. They regularly hold storytelling evenings and drawing sessions.
  • Hunters collect "special" dust and sell it to collectors, researches and medics. The dust can be anything from a newfound material to something that could cure an illness. Hunters take their job incredibly seriously and will travel far and wide, sometimes never returning at all.

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