
Underworld, Hell, whatever you want to call it. The Afterworld is the place your soul has been wandering while you live your life in the Foreworld. Through mirrors scattered throughout the Duat, it can peer into the Foreworld, just as you can peer in at your soul through the mirrors there.

When you die, your soul becomes disconnected from your body and you "wake" in the Afterwolrd, where you wander aimlessly. Reapers, such as Saturn, can pick you up and take you to the Seven Halls, where your soul is judged before entering one of the seven forever dreams.

If your soul is judged ill, it's thrown back into the Foreworld, either into your own body or some other poor recently deceased body, to right the wrong you committed in life.

However, this can form a tear in the very fabric of the worlds. To close it, you must die. Often mercenaries are employed to hunt down anomoies such as this.