The squad 🤙

The high school friend group that makes music together🤘(They’re kinda like my secondary mains too)

*Some may actually still be 14 yrs old due to it being their first high school year and they wouldn’t have their birthdays yet, but since I don’t have a timeline for my story nor do I have birthdays for any of my characters yet. I just put in their bio saying they’re all 15. They can range from 14-16

All of them (-Angelo) can sing. I’m still trying to assign instruments to them

He Yin: Chill leader (Lead singer. Plays about any or most instruments)

Angelo: Anxious child (Loves playing any woodwind instrument but mostly plays the flute) (the newest member)

Guan Jie: The dad 

Liang Mei: Too much energy (Drummer babyyy)

Leng Fei: Moody lil’ bitch/gets bullied a lot by most of the squad

Zahra: The mom (Would most definitely play the harp (or lyre so she can carry it around) and piano. Currently practicing the violin and is interested in learning how to play a mandolin)

Tarit: Mean cousin (Main instrument is prob an electric guitar. Plays a kazoo or trumpet just to be annoying. Mostly directed at Fei if it’s within the squad)

Anuenue: Emotional mess (She definitely plays the xylophone and tambourine. Fond user of maracas and maybe even bongos too. I’m not sure if she’s good at it, just uses them regularly lmao)

Aurel/Alyona: Older siblings (opposites but share a braincell at the same time)

Harta: Gets everyone in trouble

Umar: Weird uncle

Trivia/Fun facts

Just old concept stuff in here

-Originally planned only 7-8 members, but felt uncomfortable that the bird triplets being related and being pretty much half the group. So I made more. It was only up to Tarit. Then wanted to add Anuenue but still wasn’t satisfied with the ratio between the triplets and the squad, so now there’s fucking 12 of them. Actually I think I did consider stopping at 10 when I finished Alyona and Aurel but had two other characters that I couldn’t get out of my mind, and I wanted to balance out the character per row. I really wanted to have a Russian and German duo in the group lmao

-Guan Jie wasn’t originally an official a band member (yes they were supposed to be a band/music club but I forgot about that 💀) but he was an active friend group member. Decided “fuck it, he’s completely with them now” and yea. Idk if they’re still a club anymore but they still do singing and playing instruments (which reminds me, I really need to give them instruments to play fuck)

-The squad originally have two completely different characters in my concept art with different powers. One had super hearing (now passed on to Tian Xin) and the other could shapeshift to look exactly like other people. But for the second one, I thought the Gods might not allow that kind of power to exist/got rid of it in the power options as to cause less problems.

-Harta and Umar had different ethnicities in their concepts but changed them to take the opportunity of the last two members of the squad to create MaPhilIndo I’m sorry- (and yeah Umar, Angelo and Harta can be a trio of their own. After learning Angelo is Filipino, Harta (bro this dude especially got excited) and Umar just started dragging him around. Sometimes Tarit would join their shenanigans.

Deez Nuts Dishwasher Expired Undercooked Pretty Boys Pet