Rift Creatres

☆ Warning: Unreality, scopophobia, trypophobia, eyestrain + bright colours, body horror, gore, death, surreal imagery, and occasional mentions of mental health + skin picking/self injury☆

Welcome to my universe of Very Weird Animals and Fucked Up Guys :-] Here you can learn about some of the individuals and species of visitors from the unreal realms! Welcome them into your heart!! <3 All characters in this folder contain one or more of the above warnings, please proceed with caution if you are sensitive to these topics/visuals!

A rift has opened between reality and the weird spaces that reside between and beyond it. Many bizarre creatures that were previously hidden from humans are now able to lurk in the quiet, less populated areas of the world. Not only are there new visitors, but some creatures have been affected by the energy sent out by the rift, or are influenced by the enrgy that comes off the creatures themselves. These beings are often called rift creatures/beings. The rift creatures come and go as they please, and are usually avoidant of humans. However, some have adverse psychological or physical effects on this reality's life forms. Most sightings are akin to regular cryptid sightings, but in some small towns the humans encounter rift creatures more often. This is a catalogue of the fellows that are found in and around one such small town nestled in the woods somewhere in Canada.