Dragons Mark

In a flourishing elven kingdom known for its monster hunting, a popular pastime for many in the kingdom, earning them quite the reputation. But Opalite's family is by far the most vigorous in the endeavor. One day after coming from a successful hunt and basking in his father's praise, Filarion, his brother approaches him. He says "do you want to make father proud?" Knowing that his little brother's answer will be a resounding "Yes." Opalite doesn't know his family and the nearby dragon kingdom are working on a treaty/truce. Filarion says "attack the dragon kingdom and kill their oldest prince, all by yourself! That will bring great honor to our family and father will be so proud!" Opalite eagerly agrees and sets out on the mission his brother has sent him on, unaware that Filarion he's set him up.

Opalite tries to attack the dragon kingdom and is captured almost immediately. The kings and queen of the dragon kingdom are enraged. And demand to know why the elven kingdom sent their youngest to kill theirs.  Opalite's parents are aghast and insist that they did not send him and that they had no idea he was planning on doing something so flagrantly reckless and thoughtless. The dragon kingdom says that all is forgiven, as long as the elven kingdom let them punish Opalite as they see fit. Opalite's parents agree, wanting to smooth things over.

Opalite, who was being held in the dragon kingdom awaiting punishment, waits to go home. The dragon king informs him that all will be forgiven, Opalite is relieved. But not so much when he hears that the dragon kingdom will administer punishment for his actions. But little does he know that the dragon kingdom has a severe punishment in store for him. And this is turning him into a dragon to teach him humility and what it's like to walk in another's shoes. 

Celris is put in charge of taking care of a changed Opalite and taking him back to the elven kingdom. But things go south when Opalite's parents disown him. What will Opalite do? 

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