In the year 2045 werewolves and other werebeast are common. They have been for as long as most can remember, and live relatively peacefully amongst humans. They are treated like pets and servants at best or objects and slaves at worst; unable to hide their ears and tails. They are forced to wear shock collars to “protect” them from themselves and to protect the humans from their more violent tendencies.

Kyo Bell is an average 25-year-old college student. He was born and raised in Chattanooga and isn’t really interested in werewolves. His family never owned a werebeast and he has no intentions to do so either. This changes suddenly for him one cool evening when he is almost killed by a wild dog. He wakes up days later in the hospital with a surprisingly clean bill of health and is soon discharged. 

It’s not long after Kyo begins to notice things are...different. His hearings better, he can see and smell things he’s never been able to, and he is somehow stronger than ever before. Then on the next full moon everything changes and he is thrust into the shaky and uncertain world of the werebeast as he becomes werewolf himself. 

Will Kyo be able to cope with the sudden stream of earth shattering changes? Or will he let them consume him?

NotForTrade humanoid single male adopted forever homed homemade female cs needs ref Needs clothes gay taken pansexual Humanoid lesbian Sutcliffe City Second form stand alone human