Friendly_User's Bulletins

IM SORRY!! I love me some raffles :,)
🗝️ Raffle! on Toyhouse

Adorable Vday raffle! -nm-

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by Friendly_User

Its cute! Sorry to send another raffle :,))

Raffle <3 -nm-

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by Friendly_User


0 Votes Good :D
2 Votes Okay
0 Votes Not too great :(
0 Votes Or other answer

Hello! I found this raffle actually quite cute, so sorry to post it randomly -v-"
Uhm Im back for a little! Idk if ill stay for long sorry :(

Uh /notrllyimp

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by Friendly_User

What should I do?

3 Votes Raffles (I think Ima do it anyways!)
0 Votes Free obos? (Idk abt this one..)
1 Votes Adopts
0 Votes Be more interesting! (Create more fun bulletins)
0 Votes Let's be friends!
0 Votes Want to choose multiple or other suggestions? Tell me bellow!
0 Votes Make more gifts >:(
0 Votes Make a cool design that we try to get up to 500 images or smth like that?

Guys, I need help! I want to make my acc better, but I suck at that, so what can I do? Please answer the poll!


Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by Friendly_User

Mention of death, car, mental/negative stuff,pain,??

Alr, Ik I rarely vent, and I'm sorry to..

It's just not my month lately, sorry if I'm dramatic.

Lately my grades have been getting worse and worse and the amount of missing work (Ik,, just in science...) is overwhelming. And I can't turn in the late work due to the teacher not allowing late work. But the thing is, she assigns about 10-20 assignments a week, I just can't keep up with it especially with all the distractions, and big projects. 

My friend (Very close,,,, not in that way though. She's been my friend for several years now.) got injured,, and hit by a car. (She is doing better, but it really scared me). I went to my other friends house to have a sleepover, and ofc, her cat got ran over... and I didnt know how to comfort her well. (I tried, and tried, she's better now though.) I hope I made both happier. I try, I try to make everyone happy.

Everyone thinks I'm smart, they think I should always get good grades. (Most of my friends and parents think this) This expectation stresses me out. They give me a hard time if I even get an 80 (Ik,, that's kinda low), my parents yell at me for this. I've grown to be afraid of my parents tbh. Ik, I'm sorry if I'm sensitive and dramatic.

A lot of people have been making fun of some of my insecurities and triggers, Its making me not only feel very uncomfortable, sad, and kinda angry. I feel,,, sensitive?? I'm not sure. It makes me feel.. something that I don't know how to describe.

And some other,,, personal things happen, I will tell you if your really curious ig.

Sorry about this-''

Please help them out ^^"

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by Friendly_User

They are quite nice too! If you help out, not only will you get a cool character, but I'm sure the would love to sub!

Lf: READ DESC! please /imp

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by Friendly_User

Hello,, you may be wondering why I asked you to read the desc.

Im looking for someone to make me a custom again...

uh, but this time it is for a close friend..

she lost her cat, named Ace

He just suddenly got ran over and we held a funeral, I want to make her happy though!''

This was very unexpected, i'm still in shock because Ace was also an awesome cat for me,,, and I was there for a sleepover..

So, please help me make her feel better

Ace looks like:

Green eyes,

all black except (Not on cat bellow) a white spot right on his chest (Not a star like a circle)

I can offer characters, but again would appreciate free, not for me, but for a friend. A close one.
