Friendly_User's Bulletins

Lf: (READ DESC!) pls /imp

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by Friendly_User

Sorry to sound so demanding!

-Lf: Someone to make this design (This would literally make my day, and many years very happy)

-If someone could make a cocker spaniel dog but the colors like a rottweiler that srs that would mean a lot!

-Reason why: I used to have a dog, her name was Bella, and she meant the world to me,, I wasn't able to actually get any pictures of her when she was alive and I want to remember her and do something for the Bella, who has passed away...

-Again I would appreciate this a lot! (I kinda want a lot of 'Bella's' or maybe one, so don't be afraid to offer a custom or alr made character that matches that desc)

-offering almost any of my characters (I will be tent on some so let me know and I'll tell you if I am or not.)

-Desc on Bella: Rottweiler colors (The brown colors are a bit faded not straight barbeque color ig) Curly hair, long ears (Poofy-ish yk cocker spaniels have those type of ears) Blind (blue glassy eyes, not a lot of white in the eyes yk on the edges, just a bit of green ig in the eyes? idk just search up blind dog eyes.)

-I appreciate this, if you are willing to do this free I would appreciate that more, but if not I still appreciate it a lot! (Srsly this means a lot for reading all this and doing it!)

Raffle (nm)

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by Friendly_User

Vote pls ^^” need help- heh

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by Friendly_User

Should I write book first or draw comic first?

1 Votes Book
3 Votes Comic

Im wanting too know what you guys want first, I’m getting characters and finishing payments before I create any. Also it would be very appreciated if you have any natural color chapters that are free or don’t want that you could give too me? I’ll use them in a comic and book!

Doing customs for art

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by Friendly_User

-I make customs of your choice!

-You make art of Pluva or Moka

-please please spread this it’s very helpful!

-btw I need a color pallet or I can make a color pallet along with a character and base (can make color pallet but give me a base or feral, or furry design!)