Friendly_User's Bulletins

Please help them out ^^"

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by Friendly_User Try to help them out I can't pay for any because I don't have paypal or any other apps.

40 SUBS!! (Please follow them and not mine!!)

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by Friendly_User

Did you check it out?👀

1 Votes Yes
0 Votes No
0 Votes Maybe 😳👀
1 Votes Sus Follow rn >:))) there swag and cool at art and you can win a wobble avatar that’s awesome!

LF: dark ocs (READ DESC!)

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by Friendly_User

Hello! If you're reading this and you have a dark oc (Natural colors-ish not pastel or bright or neon) that can turn/is feral a simple design is also fine! (I have quite a few regular cats so looking for a bit more diverse!) Please if there unwanted and want them to go too a good home then i'm using them for a comic! :)) I hope someone can lend me some >< Thanks!!


Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by Friendly_User

How was your day?

2 Votes Awesome!
2 Votes Good!
1 Votes Okay
0 Votes Normal
2 Votes Not the best
0 Votes Terrible
0 Votes Don't want to say (Not necessarily bad nor good!)


What I want currently ^^

-Dutchie ocs (LOVE THEM SM!!!)

-Racoon ocs (Idk there comforting :) )

-Lions, tigers or really any creatures like that (There so cool!)

-Some type of dogs! (Depends on color :) )

-Some types of cats! (Same thing for dogs heh)

-Ref sheets (In big need of them!!! But full bodies, head shots, ect are still fine just more likely to accept these!)

-Cool colors

Currently all I can think of :) I hope to create adopts to be able to have these heh, so check my account out for when adopts are coming! (Soon after I finish my art trades and such)

BTW DON'T OFFER MONEY I cant accept it because I have no way to claim it lol