Wonderland Arc

Characters from the story arc related to a mysterious series of deaths involving local political figures and leaders dying in their sleep.

Fruitys Characters FruityParfait Galaxynaut Dnd Fantasy Name subject to change humanoid HeartBreakers DnD grandma Bard alien Superhero bat frog and easily flustered by her wife anthro So ill tag her for both Antonio Selvaggio MUSCLES Theodora Mercari Floof Elf Half Orc Shoe Dream Alice in Wonderland fruitys characters turtle Humanoid Bee Aylin Aylin Yilmaz Selvaggio Mildly NSFW Lance My Art Mage Orc Half Genie Sad times ahead shes the sweet granny Shes the strict no nonsense nana Warrior Shes my lil cleo i love her Soiya Theodora DND Fruity Art Sorcerer Genie child Cat human but shell kick your ass just as hard as other nan but actually shes a big softie on the inside Lizard dude kind of She kind of borders the humananthro line Yilmaz Antonio Soiya Squad Mercari Dragon