GOLDENREAPER's Profile Comments



Im away for the weekend so replies will be slow.


I love your robots, I'm gonna feed them bolts and screws

ehehe, thank you so much for liking my bots.
much appreciated! <33

     my toyhouse is a place of appreciation for my characters!
please feel free to comment on my ocs, interact with them or ask me questions about them!
actually, this is sort of interaction is highly encouraged and I always love reading feedback.

death's door??

what do you mean?

wrong person *sob* unless you actually play death's door?

I haven't heard of it before, want to let me know what it's about? ^^

yup! it's a really fun little simple dungeoncrawler rpg about a crow who works as a reaper of souls (my pfp is this crow) and they have to defeat the three giant souls or else they're gonna grow old and die (they're immortal but if they lose their assignment they start to age) that's a rough summary ^^

this honestly sounds so cool though?? like a game that would definitely be up my alley so Im going to check it out. :3

1 Replies

Gears for you ->         

    my toyhouse is a place of appreciation for my characters!
please feel free to comment on my ocs, interact with them or ask me questions about them!
actually, this is sort of interaction is highly encouraged and I always love reading feedback.



hi i'm v new to toyhouse and just wanted to say your valorant ocs are SOOOOO COOL!!! idk how to share appreciation/liking/favoriting/whatever action is used to show approval but i needed to tell you that

thank you so much oh my gosh, I highly appreciate your words!!     
also welcome to toyhouse, Im sure you will get the hang out of everything.

sorry for the dud character transfer request, I accidentally labelled you as Xeno's creator rather than crediting you for drawing him. apologies g0d

np man, all is fine.

don't mind the mess in here, Im redoing my TH.   

Ich liebe dich so sehr, beanbean 💖💖💖🫂✨️

ich liebe dich mehr! 💙💜✨️

Je t'aime, squelette sexy flamboyant 👓💖💕✨️

ah sorry, I only do customs trades with close friends but I appreciate your offer.
Im open for doing paid customs however if you are interested in that. ^^

I am interested in a paid custom commission. ^^ Do you have a price sheet for customs at all by chance? And would this include Ryecats??

here is my commission information:

and the prices for my ryecat customs + the form if you plan on ordering:
full common custom: 70€
any rare traits are +10€ each
minerye custom: 90€
mythical body custom: 120€
shifter forms: 60€ each (please have a shifter potion in your inventory)

future owner: (your username or username of the person you are buying for)
plant or mineral:
traits: (either list what you want / don't want or free reign)
colour palette:
theme: (the future theme they will go under the masterlist with)
details: (item usages, markings, accessoires, clothing, etc.)

if you have any questions about ryecats, just let me know and Im willing to explain everything.

Awesome! I have private messaged you the form with all the details. ^_^

Take this:   



I love you, my darling robot astronaut u////u

I love you even mooore. <333

Thanks so much for the fave! 

you're very welcome! 

Can I touch your Hex Noggle?

no you cannot...


i absolutely love your profile and all your characters!! have a great day <3

this means so much to me thank you <3

hello welcome


My robo hubby 🐱🤖


  my little meow meow     

FIGHT ME IN THE PIT, DARLING! 🤼‍♂️latest?cb=20200704201532



Ef8scvDX0AAuILR?format=jpg&name=mediumy-yes please!!          


bish 9b01e0fd71b0b42ef9bec5c25065ecce41f7807c

come over here.......

no u come over here
u lil snitch

are either of ur snap traps ufo? :0

depends on what you got to offer hehe

ok haha, what kinds species/ocs u into? :0

cinnas and griffia mostly

ahh I recently traded my Cinnas and the only griffin I have ufo is a floophorse :( thanks tho!

that's np! thanks for letting me know

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Yes I still own him! <3

This user's account has been closed.

I have some of my characters on authorized only mode and he is one of them that's why not everyone can see him along with other characters 

This user's account has been closed.

It's okay you're welcome XD

2 Replies

Your kids are so gorgeous! /chef kiss

Sorry about the massive fav bomb. :'^)

awww tysm man I rly appreciate it dw <33

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Oh haha yes I've been collecting them for many years now

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sorry for the fav spam every bb of yours is precious and i wanna squish your CCCat's facES

awww you're too kind!! ehehe and favspam is very welcome
I love when ppl appreciate my characters!

ye! also you have such precious lil' chubby cinna dogs <3

ajdajsd tysm!!! ;; cinnas are like my fav. species

Understandable!! My fav species is the impims and yours is super adorable :3

Impims are really cute yeah, I love that they have these catlike features
I just rly love cats

11 Replies

would I be able to offer on your chitter or either of your cccats? :0

chitter sure but the cccats are pretty much off-limits though ;3

okay! feel free to have a look through my account, I have some cs! Off limits are Neon, Klaus and Ichigo, and I am tent with others uvu

I am pretty tent with the rice raptor and the jolle's redesign was denied but I might be willing to let go of the bavom and Inaria :0

I have to think abt it
the riceraptor and bavom where my fav. picks
since I'm currently p much into griffia

2 Replies

☁️I feel you are very kind person ☁️ (Sounds weird , lol )

haha thanks man, I appreciate that!   
goth but cute

You should try my 

M E A T B A L L S 


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sup ma son~

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I can never get enough of your characters. Their designs are just gorgeous! <3

Im glad you can enjoy them my friend <333

<333 how have you been? It's been a while lol

so, so
bit thin on the healthy side atm man
but getting there hopefully <3

I hope you feel better hon! <333
Eat some soup and drink tea and honey! That is what usually helps me or sleep, sleeping is always nice XD.
Me well stressed so very stressed lmao, but I hope my job sends me to academy so I can become a groomer soon lol.



hiya! do you see any characters on my profile that you like? (from any folders but retired / i'm picky with primary!) I would love to trade for one of your jolle raptors or bird folk or bagbean? i'd be willing to give up a few for one! <3

ahhh no sorry, I'm only trading species for species ^^

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lmao I think I've been collecting for like 4 years now?    hah
and I treasure them all, but always open for offers on any of my characters!
(just letting you know that my cinnas are the most unlikely to leave my side so don't be upset if I say no <3)

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oooh I actually backed out of the community not long ago because no one really cared for me and a lotta peeps actually got jelly n hateful
not only to me but to other users as well and I didn't wanted any of the drama lmao
but I still love all of my cinnas and also bought some new ones since then <:
so still loving the species ofc just avoiding some peepos


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yee ikr? man I'm a positive dude <v< but I think that's the prob with the internet currently, it's super lacking positive peeps
and I think everyone just has an attitude by now and a tendancy for drama :/
dunno why, maybe they constantly got shit for smth and had to adapt a thicker hide
or??? I really don't know but I noticed that a while ago and it kinda makes me sad

good thing tho that good ppl also still exist and it's just hard to find'em
but when you do   

4 Replies

Your art is so amazing!! I adore your artsyle and characters!   

Also you mentioned you like chatting? :>

Oml tysm my friend <3
and yeees I  love chatting :V

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:* tysm new pally!! <33

CANNAS 😏ee7eaf84-6b5e-425e-b80d-0e7116f86d7c_1.e

Thanks for the fave! You have such lovely characters, I had to subscribe! 

Thank you so much! <3 I'm glad you like my characters! :3


tumblr_m7fq9dRqih1rtzlzf.gifWtf Thor...










tmw you just subscribe instead of fav'ing each and every character

omg thank you so much this honors me! 8D






Holy cow I love all your transformers characters! They're all so cool looking :D

thank you so much man! 8D
I rly love them too

Thank you very much for the Favourite! It means a lot to me :)

Np at all! ^^ you're welcome~

Thanks for the favorites on Blitz, Oka, & Spice ! (:

Np, you're welcome! :3

Thanks so much for the favorites!!! 83

You're very welcome <33

Thank you kindly for the favorite. ♡

You're very welcome ofc! <3

HELLOOOOOOOO *hala voice*

ALL my characters are ALWAYS open for friendships! <3

Updated some of my characters, especially the CS


i have no shame

plis leaf dis plais or I vill kall the copz!!!1!!111!!

NUT ALLOWD >8(((((((((



hmmmmMMMMMHHHhhmmmmmm.... *creepy summ*

Und wie verbleimer nune???



17... mehr gehen nicht X'DDDDD
dann flippt er aus!!!!


Glaubst du der kann überhaupt noch schlafen?? XDD

Denn ich glaub es nicht *flüster*

Der liegt dann so im Bett und vibriert vor sich hin XDDDD


Besser, als nochmal im Coma zu liegen XDDDDD


Stay litty!


my evidence shows: I luv u B//U ♡

AFJKALXSFGH I died when I saw this:

OMG that reaction gif X'DDD I'M CRYING

THAT FRICKEN DORITO GIF - wheezes- I love it pffhaha!

Love the dorito, feel the dorito, be one with the DOrITOoooo!! X'DD



You're pretty good! 🔫🔫♡

Are those smol guns? <3 ADORABLE!!


END HERE!!!! *fights u irl* >://U ♡

NO, MY MEMES ARE ETERNAL!!! >:///V *fite fite fite*

thank you so much for the sub ! your OC's are amaizing and look so fluffy hh ;//w//; precious babs

AHHH you're more than welcome <33 you had some heck cute OC's so I had to sub and omg thanks ;//v//;

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np at all uvu/)

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Np at all, haha nice chars <3

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Finally updating all my characters a bit!

your art is amazing omg! I had to sub cause I need to see more of it <3

Ohh thank you very much, I appreciate that <3

Your Cinnas are adorable! <3

AAAH thank you very much <3 yours are hella adorable as well! ovo/

Thank you! ;u;

not a problem! ;u;

Thank you so much for the follow! :'D

I see you're partial to Cinnas, too. :3

You're welcome! <33 And yes haha I certainly am. uuv

Thanks for stopping by! uvu

scREAMS!!! id die to get as many cute cinnababes as you!!!

Oyee thank you so much, darling. Ye I love them too. uvu

theyre all so precious augh

Is it bad, that I want even more? XDD I LOVE Cinnas so much. RIP.

SAME AUGH, i only have two babies as of rn though, and i give them both so mUCH ATTENTION, but like, i want more BRIGHTLY colored ones hhh, and im happy bc i might be getting a cinnamini soon eee

you have such cute cinnadogs!!

Ohh thank you so much, sweetheart. /)w(\

Characters will always updated once and then when I feel like it. 8D So don't worry if there are any empty or left out spaces. They'll be filled out from time to time.

Cinna army, yaaay! <3