The League


Strenght Above All

"The combatant division is composed of cats who are exceptionally good at fighting. Everyone is taught basic techniques on how to fight in the League, but the cats of this division are taught more than that. Cats in the combatant class learn how to get out of tough situations, gain advantages over their adversary based off certain criteria and special tricks that certain Thornheart's lead League cats had come up with to take down their adversary, such as Caterpillarleg's hemlock claw trick that poisons the enemy after managing to put some of the plant's juice into their blood. Cats in this class tend to serve for defense purposes nowadays, but their job also consists of hunting down the neo-leagues to disband them. Members of the combatant division are encouraged to only use their tricks when necessary, but must always be prepared for a time of need. These cats must be prepared to restrain a cat so that they can be brought before the council, and must be ready to kill if it ever is to come to that."


Wit and Patience

"The Trapper division is composed of cats who know how to use their paws or tongue to set things up. Cats of this division are taught how to create lures and traps, but also how to fool the enemy if caught in an encounter. These tricks can go from small holes set up to catch someone, to mimicking a bird to fool a cat or prey into thinking they are safe. The main job of the Trapper division nowadays is to set up defenses around the camp and catch prey with their traps. However their work also reaches out to the offence, with traps and lures being used to capture neo-league cats while their speech helping them to get their way when trying to find out information about their targets whereabouts."


Our Eyes and Ears

"The scouts, or as some nickname them "the eyes and ears of the League" are the quiet and swift cats of the League. They are the key element as to how the League remains aware of the world around them, even being sent out to spy on the clans themselves to keep up on anything that may be going down. Young cats in this division are taught how to move around without others noticing, climb up into tough places to get an advantage point to watch and more importantly get out of there quickly if caught. Most Scout division members work either alone, in pairs or in small teams of cats. They listen and watch for all that is going on, including the lives of loners or kittypets who may be of importance to the League if anything were to happen. These cats spend a great deal of their time away, travelling the vast land of the League to keep up on anything that may be ongoing. Positive or negative information, no matter the importance is to be reported to the council upon the Scout division cat's return to camp."


Peace Between Factions

"The mediators are the peacekeepers of the League. Their job consists of ensuring that any problem is attempted first to be resolved through talking things through before resorting to violence. Most members of this division are volunteers, who possess at least the speech or tactic assigned traits in order to be able to keep a discussion under control through merely words and/or know how to quickly think up solutions to offer for anyone with issues that need resolving. Cats of this division work closely with the Scout Division to keep up to date on absolutely everything that happens inside and outside of the League. The job of this division does not just apply to the League, but any problem outside of it too. The Mediator Division's job also extends to clan problems too, with them expected to step in with the help of the whole council if any skirmishes between clans takes place. This means if any war is threatened to break out in the clans, it rests on the mediators' shoulders to try and step in to solve it before that may happen. Members of this division who must do so, however, are sure to know that these actions come with great risks. Including the threat of death if someone were to ignore their attempts and peace."


Tender Love and Care

"The providers of care for the League. The nurturer division is composed of any cat who is physically or mentally unable to take part in the activity of other divisions, depleted ones/elders and volunteers who choose to permanently care for the young, old, sickly and wounded. Queens also temporarily take part in this division when they move into the nursery to care for their kits. Cats who permanently work here are taught all about caring for others. The basics of this job involve raising kits, interacting with the wounded and general helping others in their daily routine. Further training under Arum's teaching involving the knowledge of a few herbs, useful for healing wounds and sicknesses that cats may have caught. Do not that while the nurturers may have basic herb knowledge, they are nothing compared to a clan medicine cat in terms of skill. Their heart and dedication to their division's job however, is an effort that surpasses any clan expectation."


Feed the Masses

"The Hunting team is as it's name suggests, a team who's main job is to always keep the League's food supply stocked. Most of the time the hunting team is composed of temporary recruits pulled out of the other divisions to help out on hunting prey. However it does have a few permanent hunters who's only duty is to come and go every day bringing food for cats. These elite hunters do not take part in any League activity, and in return are allowed to take second pick in the food supply they bring back: After kits and cats from the Nurturer's division who eat first. Most temporary team-members are pulled out to go hunting on a random occasion. These patrols are composed of one elite hunter in lead and all cats of other divisions along with them. While it's purpose is to return prey, it also serves to keep bonds between the divisions, giving cats who otherwise would spend time apart a chance to help each other out in hunting skills."

"When it comes to becoming an elite member. There is no such thing as volunteers. If and only IF a elite hunter member takes notice of outstanding hunting abilities in a cat from another division, will they approach the council about it. The council will then take the cat aside to discuss the situation, giving the feline a chance to decline the offer. If they do agree however, they must abandon their post as member of their division to spend almost all waking time during their day out looking for prey for the League. As this job is demanding and makes interactions with fellow League-mates tough, very few cats are made permanent elite hunters of the team."