Earth 2 Zoo

NTS: Try to find a conscise way of summarizing this place...

Terraformed planet that's being used to preserve non-human life from Earth.
The -currently unnamed slime Aliens- feel that Earth Prime is doomed due to the irresponsible humans running it, and that it's unfair to all the other organisms living there. So an unwanted planet near their own was refurbished as a Nature Preserve. Civilian Aliens of not only the Slimes race but also others often visit for vacation/educational purposes. They find it fascinating to see the different organisms and how they'd be able to live if not for the awful beings ruining their true home.

However, unknown to all but those with high levels of security clearance, there are several hidden communities of Altered Earthlings.
These beings were rescued and/or confiscated from Facilitys across space where Poachers use Earth life for illegal testing or profit. Any confiscated Earth organism close enough to their origins is immediately deported to Prime. Unfortunately, most deportees are stuck in Detention Centers due to Space Faeries causing trouble on Earth Prime. If theyve been Altered in a way the Slime gov deems too much trouble to undo they are left to make a life in 1 of the hidden communitys.

The Sentient beings of the communities are allowed to govern themselves as long as it doesnt interfere with the Slimes plans. They're are also in charge of taking care of the non-sentient beings, who are usually kept on large Public Farms.

This setting is connected to the "Earth Prime" & "Earths Last OGs" Universe.