Spaces of the Hybrid

Spaces of the Hybrids

Spaces of the Hybrids is the main series and the oldest series of mine, it follows the story of a survivor of a destroyed planet and their quest to not only find a home but a purpose as well. A soldier defintiely wasn't it, they found their calling as Earth's defender. Those who use magic are called magical warriors, while many depict Magic as this beautiful and pure power that only good kids can learn. But of course that is false.

The prime universe of SOH used to be the home of Papilio, the previous immortal of magic, his mortal body's aura had rumored to have exploded and made the core of the planet, Papiliosidus, the ripple effect made Papiliosidus in multiple dimensions. The story of Grey, the ?th Hubiin of the prime Dimension, fated to bring about a major shift in the universe, but all they wanted to do was to live their life in peace.

The universe is much more fleshed out than most, there are colonies that litter the universe, 3 reign supreme, the spes colony, quid empire and the typus. It is common knowledge between armys and the general public that the Northern universe is desolate and inhabitable. What they didn't know is there is a planet full of life and magic. Originally Papiliosidus was there to keep it hidden, now, earth's magical warriors are tasked with that.

It is rare enough to have 1 Immortal, much less 2 from the same universe, with Grey it's the fourth Immortal, it's also the universe where Immortals apparently linger the most. It might be something to do with the fact that a Hubiin is just as rare.


reality equus
universe code 3180
dimension 7
genre fantasy, sci-fi
major groups hondo MWs, Earth MWs, C.H.L.O.R.A.L., Omega, the Council of Immortals, R.O.H.
protagonists Grey, Ku, Conary, Haven
major species humans, papilios, proelias, hubiin
immortals papilio, sammantha, dash, grey, carter

  • dimensions, universes and planets may work differently from real life's, time works in a way that if a change is big enough to change the course of time, there are 2 ways the timeline can change, either the future that they once know is erased from reality or another timeline will be created, either way there is no chance to change the future. Timelines may be erased if the Immortals deem timelines to be too numerous, as if there are a lot of timelines, there is a chance for some of them to clash with each other and destroy each other in the process.
  • This is the universe where magic is born, because Papilio, a core, ascended instead of died, his heart had gathered only a little bit of Papilio's Immortal powers, hence why it became the core of a planet, the other Immortals joke that this made Papilio heartless as he never once helped his people when they were in need, rather spends his time cultivating and reading.
  • This universe's Earth is very different from ours according to history, given Grey, Carter and Stella had their hand in the history and with their knowledge of technologies far advanced than humans at the time, they had created different things, like: Perfumes, modern high heels, Guns, tractors, Books, Witch Hunters, spaceships and Conarium, more than often though it's Grey making new things for their human friend.
  • Papilios being almost extinct, meant that not many timelines surround this universe as Grey, Carter and Stella have no affinity for time manipulation. After Alexis and Grey spread magic throughout the earth though, humans started having their own affinities that are different from the remaining Papilios.
  • There is no universal language, only those who do business in different planets either learn the language or use a vocal translator.
Design Notes

  • The universe looks the same, only the universe is far bigger than humans believed and inhabited too (only the messages humans sent to space is pretty much not far enough to reach anybody because it'll disappear before it can go any further, courtesy of Grey who made a space station to make sure no one or nothing can go in or go out). Different planets have different lands, oceans and suns, some might have multiple moons or suns, sometimes they are even controlled by the inhabitants.
  • Papiliosidus is a lot like earth, only bigger, the Terra continent is the biggest land in the whole world, only about 1/6 of it is papilio-made, the rest are natural. The small space in the forest, there is the heaven of Papilio where those loyal to Papilio had reside ever since their leader left. They only came to the aid of Tenebris during the war when Caelum and Aecor's war was getting too close for comfort. There are many islands littered around the ocean but none of them are big enough to be seen from earth. Clouds that move from place to place, instead of the usual white, a city can be seen on the biggest gathering of clouds, that is Caelum, the jock of all papilios. The ocean is more green than blue because of all the greenery that they have underwater, their natural habitats are more preserved, you can even see a huge coral reef from the sky if you pass by Aecor, making the ocean a faded rainbow colour.
  • Proeliatum is a dead planet, there are no plants on more than half the planet, the only standing natural reserve is the one at the captial and the one that the other end of the planet, but it's very small and just there for harvest Proelias get their water from underground but there are no oceans given they don't really need water to survive. There is no weather too so no clouds, the planet looks like one giant orange desert, though the planet is not completely void of life, some cactus and plants that can live with no or little water still can be found here and there.
  • The thought of the universe being beautiful is not as well known around the universe, more often than not the universe is depicted as a scary place like a natural disaster, it's because comet showers are often a threat to smaller planets and stars are told to be a planet exploding or planets that will burn for a long time.
  • Felis eget velit aliquet

Ut porttitor leo a diam sollicitudin tempor id eu. Fermentum iaculis eu non diam phasellus vestibulum. Sed pulvinar proin gravida hendrerit lectus. Donec et odio pellentesque diam volutpat commodo sed egestas egestas.

Gravida quis blandit turpis cursus in hac habitasse. Sed risus pretium quam vulputate. Viverra nam libero justo laoreet.

Amet mauris commodo quis imperdiet massa tincidunt. Dolor sed viverra ipsum nunc aliquet bibendum. Pretium nibh ipsum consequat nisl vel pretium lectus quam id. Mattis molestie a iaculis at erat pellentesque adipiscing commodo.

Nisi vitae suscipit tellus mauris a diam maecenas sed. Sed viverra tellus in hac habitasse platea dictumst vestibulum rhoncus. Tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu tincidunt tortor. Eu tincidunt tortor aliquam nulla facilisi.