Sandree Clan

A old clan in the far south east, made up of wandering merchants and mercenaries who wander about almost every inch of the Imperial mainland, the Sandree Clan territory is completely made up of desert, making it largely undesirable by their neighbors, the Sandree village is located in a desert oasis where many Sandree Clan Members live happily and some partake in naturism all year round, they also have a massive town on the coast which deals in trade via sea through a merchant fleet, rocky and sandy beaches stretch across the coasts.

Sandree merchants travel the sea with their fleet of merchant vessels, the fleet heavily relies on the Imperial Navy fleets of either the Birvonia Clan or the Wooloram Clan as escorts since the seas are rampant with Ghilyae Pirates and Kliorat Sea Raiders.

Sandree wandering merchants travel most of the Imperial mainland in small groups with a wagon or two, sometimes they travel in caravans, all in search of profits and riches, they also deal in the slave trade of Non-Imperial Citizens.

Sandree mercenaries are mostly hired by other Clans going into conflict with their neighbors within the Empire, they are experts in capturing the opposing clan's members alive to either be ransomed or (in the event that the other Clan is no longer considered part of the Empire) sold into slavery.

Female Kemonomimi Imperial Clans female Needs art Long hair OC kemonomimi o0Oo0Oo0O District VIII Muzaori Clan Foodbased OC-Trade humanoid S Secret-Santa wishlist r.i.p Sandree Clan Revealing Outfit CS