Decathect (Arc 1)


The Phobias of New York City have been used to peace and routine for decades. After the clubs were formed in the Americas to promote unity among Phobia-kind, occurrences of murder and destruction had become few and far between. Phobias are content to meet with their clubs on their set days, and go about their business without the anxiety of being killed after they depart. Food is more than abundant in an overcrowded city like New York, and the club leaders make sure there are no petty disputes over territory. There’s plenty of aura to go around for everyone, and no one is to be harmed or treated unfairly under their watchful gazes, lest there be consequences. 

The routine of club living couldn’t be any more prominent in the life of Necrophobia; a washed-out, alcoholic, formerly self-imposed protector of New York City. After an accident occurred more than sixty years back, the death phobia had resigned himself to hide away in his mausoleum, allowing the clubs to take over as the guardians of the city. Now Necro is back in the limelight once more, after Claustrophobia requested that he be the second-in-command of her club, the CCC.  Disinterested in reclaiming his title as a protector, Necro’s routine consists of attending club meetings, and locking himself away from the public once more until the next gathering.

This would be the way Necrophobia carried out his life for years to come. That is, until two mysterious Phobias show up in New York, back-to-back. Strangers in the city are a common occurrence, but the motives of these two mystery Phobias were different, perhaps even strong enough to have an impact on the clubs of New York as a whole. One was swathed in vengeance, teeming with decades of pent-up rage and emotion, while the other chose to live life on the edge, without a care for the well-being of others, nor their own. Necro soon finds himself caught up in the middle, throwing away his reclusive lifestyle in a desperate attempt to keep these two Phobias from bringing harm to themselves, and from creating a rift in New York City. 

(- Written by Ruby.)



|| List of Characters ||

Klepto // Necro // Tryp

Claus // Keno // Haemo

Anopheli // Ari // Nelo

  Didel // Chemo // Aich 

 Toxi //