GreaserDemon's Bulletins

🦇 Here is the link to the event >> Link << 🦇
🦇 Veterans and newcomers are welcomed ~ 🦇

Your nebnom is not automatically approved and official just by making the design!
You need to do the art/written prompts to make them official!
If you don't want to draw for your nebnom to be official, you can buy it for a heavy reduction of $25 usd.
(Normally they cost $50-$70 or more, depending on if you did art for the uncommon and rare traits)  

image_by_lunarestrella_deq8vr9-fullview.Click the image above for the journal and info on how to participate and get yourself your own Nebnom! ~
Be sure to read the rules and requirements thoroughly before joining!
If you have any questions on the species, event or anything else,
feel free to contact the species owner Thalliumfire, or me GreaserDemon - a mod,
or you can ask any of our other mods listed on the front page of the front page of the Deviantart Group!

>> NebularNomads Deviantart Group << 
>> Neb Discord <<

rip thumbnails again

Posted 3 years, 2 months ago by GreaserDemon

press F to pay respects

Can't see files or thumbs

Posted 3 years, 2 months ago by GreaserDemon

Not sure if it's my internet or TH but all thumbnails are broken for me and I can't view images :^[
Anyone else having the same problem or is it really my internet?

If you want to see 18+ artworks

Posted 3 years, 2 months ago by GreaserDemon

Then note me to authorize you, and you must have your age on your profile
otherwise I'll decline. You know the rules, 18+ only!

I keep auto-authorizing people I see who are 18+ by accident,
so I had to go and purge my authorizations again  (just my recent ones, not all of them) 
ALL my characters are visible I literally only use the authorization to hide my nsfw art from minors

Keep in mind I draw all sorts of couples not just gay(gay males are just my default because duH) 
You will sometimes see lesbian, trans/nb, and even hetero nsfw art in my galleries if authorized. 
I'm trying to practice drawing every kind of nsfw couple art which is one of the reasons
why I've been collecting some non-male ocs for once.

Don't me wrong, I'm going to have a army of gay men regardless lol,
I just also want to practice a bit on other gendered/non-gendered characters
in sfw and nsfw artworks, as well as create little side stories with friends. 

Design Creatorships

Posted 3 years, 4 months ago by GreaserDemon

If you get a random creatorship request from me please accept it!
I am doing this so I can keep track of all my designs
(especially from closed species so it's easier when updating masterlists)

I manage the cinnaverse masterlist almost entirely so I need to keep track of cinnas.

If you see any designs that say ll-vitiatus-ll or greaserdemon and it's not linking to my
please link me so I can request creatorship!