
The Resourceful Clan

"We are resilient. We will stand our ground."


The following Candyfloss characters are from the Theta Clan (or one of their parents were from there) and possess the ability to become invisible.

The Theta Clan is a resourceful clan. They specialize in the creation and mastery of bladed weapons and make excellent hunters and agents.

Thetas are also known to be a subgroup of the Beta Clan that had been cast out during the Great Rot, a planet-wide plague that occurred a long time ago and actually resulted in the creation of the Trufflefloss. They still haven’t forgiven the Beta Clan for abandoning them during a time when the Betas thought of the then sick Thetas as ‘Rottenfloss’ and banished them because of it. Even after they were cured, the Thetas were still deemed as outcasts to them.

Code by AviCode