InkyBlossom's Bulletins


Posted 4 months, 17 days ago by Corn InkyBlossom






Posted 5 months, 1 day ago by Corn InkyBlossom






2024?? more likeee 2014!!!! X3 ive been feeling sooo nostalgic about animation memes lately and i totally wanna do older ones this year!! but here one i did to end off 2023 and celebrate the new year with some of my favorite ocs i used a lot in 2023 :D []

ANYWAYY!! THE MOMENT WE'VE BEEN WAITING FORR!! my art summary for 2023!! last year i also did an art summary questionnaire thingy so what fun is it just to do it once and not do it again??? so im going to include that too and even link my last years recap so you can compare the 2 if you'd like! :D i think it'll be fun, here's my old recap!

and heres my art summary!


and if you want to see each drawing in all its full glory, i made a google drive for them that you can take a look at here!

aaaand now for the questionnaire! >v<


1. What is your favorite art piece you made this year?

i think its criminal to just have one out of the whoolee year... my favorites all include where i experimented with different artstyles! i have 3 memorable favorites!! my favorites are this mario movie scene redraw with apple and bapple where i went for a retro anime style (one of my favorite art styles ever), and this drawign of koto based on the song "Happy  Fruit" by Azuma....... it's... catchy okaey..... but i also really like that vocaloid artstyle where the outside lineart is thicker than the rest andd i usually go for cell shading but i like how the soft shading in this drawing came out too! and lastly this SPOOKY drawing i did of keon forrr halloween!! the style is similar to the 2nd drawing but i went for a more dark color scheme n stuff!! i dont usually draw scary orr disturbing stuff very often but i rly like how it came out teehe!! it is also inspired off of a song called "Bacterial Contamination" by mathru@かにみそP i think c:


2. What is your favorite design you made this year?

OKAY SO I ACTUALLY HAVE TWO but technically the first is not mine... i did not make a lot of designs this year bc ig i just didnt have much inspiration or motivation to??? idk but i DID redesign a lot of pre existing ocs i had... my favorite beingg Gumbol!! I LOVE JESTERS AND CLOWNS SOSO MUCH ;; they are so silly and whimsical they make me smile!!! I got this oc quiiite some time ago. the original designer is neonj but they moved from that account and i have no idea where they are now so 🤷🏾‍♀️ BUT my favorite ORIGINAL design of mine for this year has to be LUELLA!!! and i think its funny bc last year my fav designs also had a red, white, and black color scheme..... ultimately i became more attached to her bc of her character in general but i think i really do have a thing for characters with this color scheme going on teehee!! and yess she is inspired off of cruella de vil from 101 dalmations,,,, but when i made her design i felt rly clever that while theres similarities between the two, she feels more of like a reference to her rather than a copy if yknow what i mean and i love characters that is based off of something but you can tell they are not a straight up copy!! i can ramble abt how much i like her n other ways she was inspo but thats going to take forever so lets move on LOL 


3. Which design or piece do you feel was *most* out of your comfort zone this year?

a lot of these drawings mostly includes my drawing projects i did for my drawing class in college... there was a still life drawing, interior drawing and even a self portrait drawing i did n all of those were very challenging but i enjoyed it! scenery and especially interior with perspective present has to be where i felt it was outside of my comfort zone the most so that is the one ill post here c: it's also supposed be a narrative in a way about my life. this room represents a room in my house that i usually meet with my sisters to play, chat, n bond and in the room there are things that represent what i love to do and my interests! and then theres this door or something that is supposed to represent the outside but its scarrryy...... ironically this whole drawing represents my comfort zone and how going outside is like going outside of my comfort zone haha

aaand the design that was outside of my comfort zone? this guy. similar to last year, i usually don't design "gross" like characters with unappealing dark, dull colors but that matches his design because thats exactly what he is. DISGUSTING!!! he was actually made for a contest to design characters based off of insane clown posse songs and i got "to catch a predator"! it was a fun lil contest and i even got 2nd place ! (not for this design though, he was designed along side with the main design that is 10x better than him that u can check out here :3)


4. How many pieces of yours were personal art or vent art?

i think some you know already that like 80% of the time drawing is how i cope so a lot of my drawings especially if it like included characters bein lovey dovey or upset orrr some of those sketch comic thingys i post i consider personal art. same thing for vent art buuut it's not a large number i thinjk?? i actually like to call my vent art just comfort art instead bc by the time i finish drawing it, i feel better and its usually not that dark its just characters i rly like 

so like last year, im not bothered to count bc theres waay too many but ill share one of them here where i lost one of my lil oui oui fert :( 


5. Show your first piece of 2022 and last piece of 2022 (so far) and compare them!


well unlikes the LAST recap,, luckily the first drawing i made in 2023 is more!! appropiate :3

ISNT THIS CUTEEE i still relly like this one a lot!! i love the colors and how the lights from the fireworks interact w the colors n stuff and LIL GINGER BEING SCARED 🥺🥺 ID CRY TOO I FUCKING HATE FIREWORKS GRAAAHH aaand my last drawings of the year r these two pink ones, they go together :3!!!! i like this liquidy brush i use for this artstyle and i rly like giving my ocs different outfits that give them a diff color pallet!! theyre actually inspo off of a song/character but im not telling yall this time bc yall will look at me crazy i swear I DONT LIKE IT THE SONGS JUST CATCHY AGHHH HELP i have to say that i still really like the first one more though. i wasnt feeling too good drawing the last ones bc of my headache... surprisingly not from fireworks but bc i get them when my periods over ughhh it sucks bleh


6. What do your chibis look like?

good question! for this year i have no idea bc i did not draw a lot . umm maybe where my character is like. super simplified... i dont think i drew too many bc i loove drawing my characters with their defined body types!! but there are these lil 3d pixel chibi thingys i thought r super cyutee that i made!! (i also kinda wanna do those as comms sometime maybe theyr so cute n silly) also jumpy crispr!! yeah i think these r my chibis that i can recall maeking this year


7. Piece you are least proud of! (what do you like/dislike about it, what is left desired, etc?)

give me a sec bc this happened rarely wheree i made an artpiece n then immediately was not happy with it hold on

OK THIS ONE WAS TRICKY BC some i know is supposed to be the way they r and i dont have much feeling abt how they came out but I DO remember having some critical thoughts abt this one!!! i think its cuteee but i do remember that i wanted to do more w this drawing but i can pin point waht..... i also know that im not entirely a fan of how spirit looks here but i just!! CANT PIN POINT WHAT LAWL and i like the dot effects but the way its used here is!!! kinda distracting to me and i actually think is that was used to like, actually shade it mightve looked cooler?? and then i dont know i like my drawings better when the poses are a lil more dynamic, i have no problem w characters just standing there but i feel like idk!! i coulda made this more interesting IDK HELP maybe ill redraw this in the future :3c


8. Name some inspirations that shaped or inspired your work throughout this year!

essentially shoutouts bc i adore yalls art n sometimes when i see it im like 👀 mayeb ill incoroperate what tehy did in mai art too.....
















Sonic the Hedgehog

80s Anime Artstyles


The Amazing Digital Circus


Welcome Home

My old previous artstyles

AND A LOT OF MUSIC BUT I CANT LIST IT ALL BC THIS IS ALREADY A LONG LIST😭 but this year i have made a lot of character playlists that inspired a lot fo my characters orr is related to their lore that u can check out on my spotify :3

gee golly! what a list there are so many things that inspire me all the time! but those are some of the things that influenced my art this year :3

9. Whats the most unusual species/creature you drew (opt: show it !!)

this is crqazy i missed this question this year and LAST YEAR LOL but tbh i think the most unusual species i drew is actually that halloween keon drawing that was based off of the bacterial contamination video,,,, it was challenging trying to decipher each body part and decide how i was going to incorporate into my design but it turns out that it was one of my favs drawings this year HEHE

10. Which piece has the craziest colors!! (CW if needed)

i did not make that many wacky drawings but one is based off of a song i like and the other is fizzarolli bc his design is crazy but I LOOOVOE HIM HELLO I HEART FFROGY 🐸 literlly goiing crazy over him rn

cw: bright aaaand the first one has rainbow vomit lol


11. Do you feel your art has improved since the beginning of 2023?

hmmm maybe! i got to draw more body types this year, experiment with more artstyles and even get out of my comfortzone a little! i think that is improvement at least to me :3 whilee correct anatomy is not often present in my art i think it's just a part of my artstyle where things dont make sense!!! i dont make sense, i make SILLY ART!!!!!!!! I do still have a lot of old art even from the beginning of the year i still really like and proud of! c:

12. What are your art-related goals/resolutions for 2024?

i want to keep experimenting with more unique artstyles! ive embraced the fact that my artstyle may change every now and then, even if its a little. and unfortunately i did not make as much 3d models or art like i wanted to last year but! i want to start small n have consistency to where this becomes a habit this year ! i want to make at least one character model each month! it would be even better if they are rigged to where i can animate them but I want to give myself as much time as i need, but also have some sort of deadline for myself. I want to keep my skill of 3d modeling and improve it! 

13. Final notes!

the sillyness never stops. 

also i anticipate there is definitely going to be more lore-related art this year.... things are about to get CRAZAY 

and im going to include a question i have for my subs or anyone who looks at my art that i had last year again :3 that being if there an artpiece of mine from 2023 that you seen n stuck with you?? it doesnt have to be a favorite but maybe just one that mightve got stuck in your head for awhile? got u thinkign about it or even inspired you ? (blushes) idk if this is a hard question and I know i. uploaded hundreds of art but if there is one you can think of (or more than one! ), i'd be happy to hear you out! :D you can even suggest what youd like to see me draw more of as well heehe !

and i jus realized i have 155 subs!?!? that is so cool that maeks me happy to know there are people who r interested in the silly things i make,,,,,

thank u for a good year and i look forward to the next! and thank u if u surprisingly read this entire thing bc good lord (but reflections like these are actually really fun and therapeutic for me to do c:)

have a good day slash night and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! ゚+.ヽ(≧▽≦)ノ.+゚

hello everypony........ especially peopel who likes buying stuff impulsively

lets talk about stickers!!!!! buttons!!! enamels pines n keychains!!!!!!! those kinds of goodies c: OH AND KANDI BRACELETS TOO ESPECIALLYY THOSEE OHMY GOD

the moar time that passes by i realize that. im a bit of a collector!!! i love collecting things that my dad deems as useless hahaa 

stickers are sooo silly and fun!! i wana start actually using them (because. it actually takes me a long time to actually use a sticker im so bad at making the commitment even of where ill permanently place the sticker) in this new mixed media sketchbook i got!! I actually got it bc i want to make like,, collages of things I like and even some fanart I get from people n friemds bc??? I LOVE EVEYTHIGN PEOEPL MAKE FOR ME,,,, lookign at it through the scren is  not enough i want to hold it and touch it....... i also have a button maker AND this sticker paper so like,,, i could turn stuff into buttons and stickers too woah isnt that so COOL!??!!! mind you that i buy like, everyhting so there is no third party involved when i make stuff but if fsr you are uncomfy with the idea that i might print out your art that you made for me, please let me know!!!

what else..... OH EYAH buttons and pins!!!! i am starting a collection for those!! keeping all the buttions safe in a litol binder and I want to pin all the enamel pins i have to some cool canvases and then hang them on the wall!! coolio righte... AND THEN!! BRACELETS!!! it wasnt until recently i found out that??? bracelets help calm me down SO much and they're so fun to wear!! ithink they've become a new comfort item for me... especially if they're based off of characters i like teehee.... very usefel to have in class or wherever to fidget with whenever i need to!! gahh i just. love love love bracelets, specifcally kandi but I do have a few that are not!! like one that like,, has a photo of someone close to me inside this glass which is so cool <3 and one that is. kinda expensive that i got from my dad for graduation that I almost never wear for that reason... its like made with white sapphire and ion wanna lose that! nuh uh! but anyways!

do u guys collect anyof hese things too?? id love to hear!! :3

and moar importantly where do yuo guys get them from... 👀 i usually get my stuff from esty (supproting small shopz n creatorsd is so cool) and my bestie hot topic!! but im curious where others will get their goodies!! so feel share to share ur fav shops or even if. u guys had ur own shops like esty or the other one uhhh redbubble or smth?? or anything else idkk !! idk waht the chances are if anyonee who sees this do but if u have kandi bracelets, stickers, buttons or pins in stock.... hit me up....... who knows... i might buy (absolutely no guarantee) but i mostly just like looking at listings of stuff and imagining that i have them because its fun c: but hey free advertising and promotion for you if u have any so yay!

anyway thats it of my silly rambles! i needa eat n then go to bed yawwwn



Posted 7 months, 28 days ago by InkyBlossom

c9da3db9.gif?v=5bf8fcf7 HELLO ALL!! ^O^ c9da3db9.gif?v=5bf8fcf7

i dont think anyone noticed aside from those in my server that I temporarily closed my commissions to update it! and good news is that I have semi-opened them!! here's what I mean.!!

I've opened them but usually when I recieve a commission, I work on them as soon as I get them! But I won't actually be doing so until my fall break comes around on the 12th of october!


dfcbfabe.gif?v=5bf8fcf7 untill then,, you can still "pre-order" commissions, and the first 5 that do before the 12th can get a 10% discount !! O_O dfcbfabe.gif?v=5bf8fcf7

and I wont even make you pay until I am ready to start your commission (most likely on the 12th~!)

just besure you know you're gonna have the money when it's time to pay before claiming the first 5 slots!

even after the slots fill up, i'm still willing to taek commissions! just no discoun...

3649d236.gif?v=5bf8fcf7 HERE IS THE COMMISSION INFO 3649d236.gif?v=5bf8fcf7

let me know if you haev questions!

you can comment here, pm me, or dm me on discord if you'd like a commission!

have a good day/night!! ^_^ bc2848de.gif?v=5bf8fcf7


Posted 8 months, 14 days ago by Corn InkyBlossom

HEY HEY HEY EVERY !! [congratulation!] TO THIS SILLY SLUG!!! IT IS HOSTING AN ART RAFFLE RAFFLE TO [celebrate good time come on!! 💃]



HAVE A [splendid] DAY EVERY !



Posted 8 months, 24 days ago by InkyBlossom

hHI ALL!! SORRY FOR THE LATE ROLLING!!! i was literally busy all day yesterday n then got a headachee and i was p much bed ridden like 80 percent of the day today d6c06a79.gif?v=1b7ef5e6



Gelatinzstuffozzz, Roplixoodius, and KumoBox!!! 

I will ping u guyes again in the comments bc i know bullitin pings dont work... whereever you prefer in the comments or in pms or through whatever you have to get in contact with me (discord, etc lol) pleease send me what character you'd like for me to draw for yalls icon!! you have errm 72 hours (3 days) to send me a char before I reroll a new winner !! c:


 it alwayz maeks me happay to see peoepl r interested in waht i maek... maybe i'll open comms for these?!? idk!! i think i need to remake my entiree comm info in general bc its sooo outdated its been like a year omga!!!

lmk if yall are interested in moar raffles liek these or smth!! i know i used to do design raffles in the past but lately ive been havign design block soo those prolly wont come around anytime soon </3

have a great day slash night all !!


art raffel ???

Posted 9 months, 13 days ago by InkyBlossom

art raffel inkay?

16 Votes YAS inkay!
1 Votes NO inkay!
2 Votes nagito komaeda (wrong answer)

im already holdign a raffel in my discord server so i probably wont hold one here until i get those all done

but would u guys be interested if i do hold one here idk i think it was a silly idea ^-^

if i do hold one here and you are from my discord server idc if u enter again on toyhouse tbh im too lazy to take taht into account c: its literally gonna be the same raffle from there lpolzies!

that was awesome guys

Posted 10 months, 1 day ago by InkyBlossom

wow!! my first artfight!! already over! i had a lot of fun until i burnt out in the middle of it n then got motivation in the last days LOL

i made sure to revenge everyone at least once,, which is why my attacks are mostly revenges but thats okay! i had fun drawing silly guys!! especially the revenge chains i had with my mooties n friends!

i think that'll be my first and last artfight.. idk if i can handle being overstimed everytime iget attacked alot and dont get me wrong ILOVED it all i was running around the house n screaming everytime i got attacked LOL and i automatically felt obliged to get everyone back... it was very fun!! but also very exhausting! gahh it makes me so happy that people take their time to draw my characters and even take interest in their details and i cant help but do the same in return! c:

also,, not to bring down the spirit but i heard the former creators of artfight have done.. not to many good things!! which is making me reluctant to continue on that site... i dont remember all the details or have a document handy but i just know its kind of a mess... 

i think i will stick to just regular ol art trades!! but i have a few owed things id like to get squared away before i open them! i should get them done pretty quickly though c:

ah i just wanted to ramble a little about my experience!! it was super silly fun!! thank you fellow artfighters for making it a pleasant experience for me ^-^

we'll see which team wins very soon i know!! but have a feeling i already know who won fufufu,,,

anyway!! how did your artfight go this year?? C:

have a great day slash night every !



Posted 10 months, 29 days ago by InkyBlossom

61414621_prz.gifHAII TOOTS!!! i heart making icons like these shown in the examples beloww so im gonna  open commisson slotz! 61414621_prz.gif

they are 10 USD!! I can take Paypal or Cashapp!! 

 374c4310.gif?v=1cb5da6dCLOSED 0/3 SLOTS 374c4310.gif?v=1cb5da6d

TYSMMM for commissioning me! I might do more in the future! If you were interested and would like to know when this opens again, you can comment to be put in a pinglist (on this bulletin only) when these open again !

examples below !! they're gonna be dancing like this in sync to this song bc its one of my favorite songs evarr

first two belongs to Merioux


i can do almost any kind of character except mechs!! and characters that arent too complex are very very preferred!! it'll take around 2 days to a week for a icon to get finished!! i will be sure to let you know if something is keeping me from finishing the icon. When I finish, I will pm you the product!! 

52d5273c.gif?v=1cb5da6dfeel free to comment or pm me if interested!! 52d5273c.gif?v=1cb5da6d