InkyBlossom's Bulletins


Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by InkyBlossom


3 Votes a vegetable 🤨
0 Votes a fruit 😗
6 Votes man i dont fucking know either



updates and a question....

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by InkyBlossom

pick.. a cuphead boss from isle 1 ^_^

1 Votes The root pack
2 Votes ribby and croaks
6 Votes cagney carnation
3 Votes Hilda berg
2 Votes Goopy le grande

so as some of you may know that my attachment with some of my ocs have been all over the place and so I slightly updated this... I guess purge folder that you can look in... I may be tent on some but I will most likely not ever use them again and deserve a better home so don't be shy to make an offer if you'd like!

Now.. remember those fave 2 enter raffles... those were fun...

I had some ideas for designs that I might make as adopts... I was thinking about making them kinda based off of some cuphead levels n bosses bc god I love that game and show

I may not put everything I make here but starting off with those that are in the first isle.. which would you like to be put up as a raffle... (no promises but I'll try to get something out sooner or later !)

...or you can just vote which one if these cuphead bosses are your favorite for fun! mine is cagney carnation kekeke... I dont think that should be much of a surprise as he's kinda of an influence of my name and I just.. love flower characters keke..

hhhreyy ver importan,,!!

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by InkyBlossom

hay guyz... so uhh

I just realized I have interacted quite a few people who has actually done nasty things or like things that im vERY uncomfy with it feels kinda scary o_O 

Soo I've gone/going to go through my subs and people who I auth'd and have removed some off,, if you did nothing wrong, nothing personal!! it's just that I may not like your vibes or you seem to take interest in something that I REALLY don't like and would rather keep my distance from it.

Sory,, there are just some people out there that I can't just get myself to be comfortable with!! <_<

So here's a list thats.. kinda like a dni list.. just things on here that make me uncomfy!!

This includes common DNI criteria... I will respect.. most people.. gross, disgusting, problematic,  and just.. awful people can shoo shoo... 😕 

Okay hers da list.. 

Weirdcore (like a little of it is fine, but shove it in my face or a lot of it can make me super scared!)

Traumacore(i..I... can't understand this... it's just so scary and strange to me...)

Cancer jokes (please. It makes me upset to think people even joke about these things it rarely makes me laugh)

Car crashes/Accidents (I do tend to make jokes about this very sparingly but it actually can make me uncomfy and sad sometimes. Just be careful when bringing it up to me)

Fleshcore (wtf. I dont wanna see that shit??? )

Dementia (the thought of it freaks me out a bit... I despise that FNF mod about it that used to float around.. Bring it up to me and thats an instant block.)

Country humans (I kinda hate the concept of this. I don't see anything cool about it 😕 it just makes me uncomfortable. )

Okegom (Ohmy god I found this out by someone else (a thank you to them..) a character does something really really bad in this game(?) And just oh my god just please distance yourself from me if you take alot of interest in this :( )

MCYTers (I am not fond of that dream team or dsmp or whatever people be trippin balls about. It's kinda annoying to me and I just hate most of those people fsr 🤨 (some for obvious reasons) being a fan is ok.. just don't shove it in my face. but stans ew gtfouta here)

Cookie Run Kingdom (I have an off and on thing with this game-- I barely like any of the new cookies and there is just.. so many weird people in this fandom.. just the atmosphere of this game is overwhelming to me but so many people like it so I don't say anything ;_; I kinda like cookie run ovenbreak and some if the old characters on there but anything that's kinda new I'm not a fan of. I just miss the old cookie run :( so don't shove anything about Kingdom in my face too often- but im.. kinda willing to talk about cookie run ovenbreak or some ocs.. but that's kinda it.. the stories n lore is also kinda hard for me to digest and understand ¿¿¿ 😕 OH AND ESPECIALL SHIPS IN THIS FANDOM THEY MAKE ME SO UNCOMFORTABLE WAA¿¿ )

Genshin Impact (not completely a discomfort but something about it annoys me lol- people on insta and yt ping me to these edits I don't understand??¿ I just kinda ironically dislike on the game but I don't actually see too much wrong with it- it just somehow annoys me with those funky litol characters.. so also don't shove in my face.. but I dont mind at all if you like it!)

Hamilton (fsr thus band is a fandom?? Idk if its still popular but I used to HATE on this shit lol fsr. I dont as much as I used to before but don't shove this in my face, it annoys me.)

And people who think they are a character irl!!! Uh!!! yall a lil weird... kinning is one thing and that's totally cool bc i do it too ^_^ but if yall are rly goin out sayin " I AM DA REEL CREPE COOKIE (or insert any char- I also really hate this cookie with passion btw lol) IRL!! THEE ONE!!"  then 😐😑😐 you do you weirdo but dni because you are not a a silly little fictional character irl trapped in that human body in my eyes but have fun believign that you are 🤨 sorry if that offends anybody but that shit weirds the fuck out of me

Uhm... das all I can think of atm!! Usually i won't block you right off the bat if you like these things but if it seems like you really like it to an amount that I'm uncomfy with, that's when I might so I apologize!!

And please by all means, block me if you do feel uncomfy around me! I also feel uncomfy around people are feel uncomfy by me 

Or block me if you are highly interested in the things above and think you might shove them in my face and meet the criteria 😶‍🌫

Oh my god thank you for reading this uhhh uhh take  Sven giving you a rose.. idk... this was so long to read and yoy deserve it especially if you read it all...20220205_173300.jpg

unless you're a stinky person.. stinky people don't get roses 🤨

mini purge [please please read?]

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by InkyBlossom

hi so

i have lost attachment to a lot of ocs (mostly object ocs) and i feel like they deserve being in better hands

no hard feelings if you see some of your designs in the purge!! im just having a hard time connecting with them or have forgotten the ideas i had for them that i dont see myself getting around to in the future :(

but if you are the creator of a design im debating on giving away, i'll let you take it back for free no catches!! i feel really bad for giving these away but if you want some back i can totally do that 

here is the purge folder

take a gander 

ill take offers on just about anyone here (art and premades are preferred)

but if you do offer premades please do not offer cookie run ocs, objects ocs and anything else on this blacklist

the folder might change as in i might add in more or take some away if i change my mind.. i am.. such an indecisive person... </3

and im aware these chars along with others i recently uploaded are public regarding the nft mess but as long as my stuffs watermarked i should be ok soo i miiight just unauth my chars soon but again im not sure (me being indecisive for the 69420th time crys)


because i have been getting so dettached from many ocs,, i have found that redesigning them helps me connect with them more!! you can take a look here of who i plan to redesign (you may not be able to view them all if you are not auth'd but you can ask!) 

i believe that once you claim ownership of a character, you should have the right to do whatever you want with it which includes redesigning them. (but if its likee changing EVERYTHING about them then thats a lil sad) but all im basically doing is changing their.. species (??? like most of these are objects lmao)into something else thats associated with the jsab fandom bc i love jsab ocs... I will keep most of thier features when i do redesign them!! just changing them up is fun for me BUT if you arent rly okay with that pleas e by all means let me know and i wont do it!! however,, i may end up becoming dettached to them since the purpose of redesigning them is to connect with them but i will respect your policies ^-^ just communicate with me and let me know! i hope i explained this okay.. and that nothing wont be misunderstood or taken the wrong way ! :( 

ask me anything if needed!

ok just made my stuff auth only pls read maybe

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by InkyBlossom

would you like to be authd

15 Votes yes please!!!
0 Votes no fart

tyty for the help in my previous bulletin!! 

i know some ppl including myself are a litol shy asking for auth so just go n vote if you want to be auth'd and see my stuff ! no questions asked unless i feel like.. you might be sus... 

dont take it personally if i dont auth you! i cant trust everyone and neither can you... or maybe i looked around your profile n noticed you like things that i am not comfortable with that i would rather not want any part of or something :( example: mcyt stans

im just tryna to be safe from these nft idiots waaaa

again heres why my accounts auth only now:

be careful out there ^^;

waah I think I said dis befor but jus keep in mind that if we're friends that you should already but authorized ! If you aren't sure, you can check in your settings in a tab called "authorized by" ! 

im almost embarrassed to ask how do people even make their profiles and all their content auth only :(

i never rly thought of doing it ever until these stufpid nfts are now roaming around tryna find art to make money off (info here: )

if i can figure it out i may consider making my profile auth only and if that does happen, lmk if you'd like to be authorized (if you're a friend, you're most likely already authorized kekeke)

be careful and safe guys these nft bozos are stupid as hell </3

Things that I like/looking for

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by InkyBlossom

I've made some adopts n thought I should make smth like this lawl 

I've been kinda picky with designs lately but if you are digging in your premades or planning to make me customs, this may come in handy  ! 

I'll accept

Regular ocs (ig ocs that aren't rly associated with a fandom) 





Jsab ocs

Anthro ocs

anythimg.. deltarune/undertale related ?

This next part is just.. very vague.. its just things I like but im not sure myself sometimes but:

anything robot related.
funky colors!!


dats all.. idk if this was much help but ya-- my likes n stuff for designs are.. always changing.. 

Thos adopts I mentioned will com out soon.. they're based off of deltarune npcs... but I am tent on most of them so they may not be so easy to get but don't let that discourage you from offering ! ^_^;

raffle winners!! part 4!! ^_^

Posted 2 years, 9 months ago by InkyBlossom

omg im 

soi sorry this was delayed a DAY i had an awful headache yesterday but ig that gave ppl one more day heha so anyway

Congratulations to our two raffle winners!

SeasonDasher was drawn as the raffle winner for !! 

 and GalaxyPixies was drawn as the raffle winner for !!

those designs now belong to you and you can do whatever you please with them! No need to ask if you would like to change or add anything to them!

you have a week to claim your designs-- otherwise I will redraw a new winner!

Congratulations again! ^_^ i will send you the unwatermarked version of the designs once you claim them!

Don't be sad or guilt trip if you didn't win !! perhaps there will be more made in the near future ^_^; i would've made some on the weekend but.. i spent that on playing minecraft.... but i will make more very soon so stay tuned !!

raffle winners!! part 3! ^_^

Posted 2 years, 9 months ago by InkyBlossom

OMG THIS IS SO LATE IM SORRY LOLOOL i spent fucking 10+ hours playing minecraft with like the coolest peopl ever and i forgor sry <3


Congratulations to our two raffle winners!

Blissfulpaws was drawn as the raffle winner for !! 

 and VinnCatt was drawn as the raffle winner for !!

those designs now belong to you and you can do whatever you please with them! No need to ask if you would like to change or add anything to them!

you have a week to claim your designs-- otherwise I will redraw a new winner!

Congratulations again! ^_^ i will send you the unwatermarked version of the designs once you claim them!

Don't be sad or guilt trip if you didn't win !! there are still other designs open for a few days n perhaps there will be more in the near future ^_^;