InkyBlossom's Bulletins

robux comms + more designs :3

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by InkyBlossom

what adopts I should make :3

4 Votes Dnb adopts
0 Votes Furry adoptz (will mostly be dogs LOL)
3 Votes anthro humanoid adopts?? 🤯
3 Votes other?!?! comment!! :3c



soooo I have already promoted my commissionz 

but!! woudl anyone be interested if I did some robux commissions or smth :o just pondering! I think they'll be different,, or maybeh like a ych?! just thinking thinkingg

ive been considering of setting them up anyway and speaking of that, if anyoen can give me advice on prices for it, I'd appreciate it!! prices weird

and im excited to maek more designs but like!!! valentines theme n sctuff bc I love pink even thou I don't celebrate it but YA!!! if you're interesteddd you can leave some suggestions on what kind of adopts you'd like to see!! or voting on the poll works too :3c

I proly won't do anything just yet yet thou bc I think this week is gonna be a busy week for me so!! 

but I think tahs all umm!!! haev an awhsom daye or night guyes I need to snork mimrimri

and also I don't plan on stopping with blueyfying my ocs oops all dogs MWAHAGAA 


do yall wanna give me bases :3

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by InkyBlossom

one of my years art resolutions was to get out of my comfort zone n try new things!!!

aand it's been many years since ive used bases!! annd idk i think i wanna try some for my ocs it might be fun there are so many cool artstyles :3c

iff you or anyone you know has f2u bases, feel free to recommend them to me!! i might try em for funsiez ^_^

the kind of bases I'm mostly looking for is humanoids anddd furries!! (primarily canines!!) 

oh an,, lemme know if you guys would be interest if I made adopts with them too idk,,,,

havee any of you guys tried anything new thatz art related recently ? :o id love to hear from you! 

haveee an awhsome daye :3

overduee art summarey

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by InkyBlossom

HI GUYES!! gah i have arisen from my tomb as I was actually sick recently n I spent a good amount of the week ssleeping in bed!!! which is,,, also why im doing this sooo very late its already been a new year for like whar 8 days? LOL

I actually already did the art summary itself a week ago BUT i wanted to do this lil questionnaire i found and taht im snagging from C0MPUT3RT33TH hehe :3 

but llloook fffirst!! :3


ok now for the questions! 

1. What is your favorite art piece you made this year?

i probably!! have a lot!! but one i can think of off top of my head is this one!!! gahh its soo pretty... the colorz n stuff is soo soft n fluffy!! I tend to find ways around shading but I like how subtle it is in this one!! and then the background too lol idk its just all so fluffyy and if it reminds you of boyfriends not it doesnt. it doesnt! 😡 (sighhh ok but I do admit thats where the bit of inspiration came from........ sobs)


2. What is your favorite design you made this year?

ohh my godd umm WHEN WHEN i was making lemon demon designs oh my god yeah that was SO fun my favorite is umm YOUU DARNELL!!! and mushroom man too!!! yeah!! I think i gravitate to more simpel designs but I like how the songs are incorperated into their designs and th songs themselves are even like uh?? they sound similar!! idk if ivanushka was an early version of touch tone telephone or something but i love it why is it not on spotify


i havent really changed their design much at all since i made them either! im supa happy with how they look! :3 I looove darnells hat, eye visor thingy and the,, stars on his jacket (i thought that was clever) and I just love mushroom mans face n lil pawbs LOL I ALSO LOVE THE SUBTLE CONTRAST OF HIM N TH E SCARF TOO IDK my eyes like it so much


3. Which design or piece do you feel was *most* out of your comfort zone this year?

as for design i think it'll have to be this exe design thingy i made for someone!! itt was interesting but i think i was havjng a hard time bc I wasnt all comfortable with drawign or even looking at like idk if its called meatcore no wait i think its fleshcore,,, ehh its a minor discomfort but I was still able to incorporate it into the design!! I wiish I was able to make it look less like sonic?? i mean i guess a lot of exes too but ig the color of them n how they look is diff compared to him so idk!

that being said warning about the design lol

this design belongs to GUZZ-LORD-X btw!


and the artpiece would be umm!! this one!! that is inspired off of the walten files style!!! and even drawing object characters in this style was challenging but I did it anyway!! I like experimenting with other peoples artstyles n thought about trying it out!! even the house they're in I was umm scratching my head a lot bc its different compared to the way I draw the interior of houses (its very flat looking lol but maybe I should draw them again in the future and get more dynamic! :D )

contrasting and very saturated colors is another thing that can be out of my comfort zone too but I guess it looks ok! at least in that style i thinks!

the red oen belongs to my friend Merioux btw hi Meri


4. How many pieces of yours were personal art or vent art?

. a lot. god so awful many. a lot more personal art than vent art !! it mostly involves furt and pent because they genuinely make me feel better all that fluffy art of them and even some of them that implies sexual themes yeah a lot of those are actually my personal art, and im definitely not bothered to count

5. Show your first piece of 2022 and last piece of 2022 (so far) and compare them!

i am super embarrassed of the first art piece of 2022 it was porn ummmso im obviously not showing it but I'll tell you I dont really have much to say about it lol. i guess umm i like how they're holdng hands. idk it couldve been more interesting it looks kinda flat lol.


its very softt mmm i drew it based off of this song it was stuck in my head for a good few days gah just look at them sillay dancing gah if only I could animate them dancing (i totally could! im justt wayy too tirrreddd waa..)



6. What do your chibis look like?

ummmm i literally draw tham all the time!!! the way I draw my dnbers humanized are... kindaa chibi... if you can tell from even pent n furt above!! I cant actually bring myself to draw them with actual correct human anatomy.... but maybe one day... i will get out of the comfortzone and trye bc it has been on my mind lately,,!! ohhh im nervous

ig u can take this as anotha example thou silly beasttar


7. Piece you are least proud of! (what do you like/dislike about it, what is left desired, etc?)

oh god i think theres a lot of these give me a seconds um

ookok it might not exactly be the thing im least proud of but i do remember not liking how this doodle came out!! i even killed a bug or something over it?? lol but um yeah i think the angle is weird and that maybe it would look better if there was some foreshortening going on or something it looks too flat and. awkward :p


8. Name some inspirations that shaped or inspired your work throughout this year!

yayy inspoz!! :3
















south park lol


b. boyfriends (sulks... wasted good talent aha.....)

artstyle of the original first dave and bambi fnf mod

Sr Pelo LOL

some dnb artists that i cant think the names of

sonic the hedgehog


and most likely more!!! :3 theres so many awhsome peaople n schtuffs,,.......


10. Which piece has the craziest colors!! (CW if needed)

ouhh i did i few of these!! but im gonna show you my favorite one........ this one... sooo PRETTYY!!! heres a playlist that iinspired the drawing im so very happay with it!!! i was merely just experimenting but it came out SO COOL GAHH


11. Do you feel your art has improved since the beginning of 2022?

yyyes and no? i meean sure I found a lot of ways to draw stuff n i like how it looks but theres no way i am anatomically have gotten better at what i draw... unless if it's down there we're talking about thats all I can say i got better at lol everything else is kinda the same or whatever but I dont really say ohh my art is better when the style changes!! the style just. looks different. I might have a different taste for it!! iii cant explain fully. but I am happy with the way my art has changed and can change easily and all the styles i found!! and I do like it better than from the beginning of 2022, even if then it was okay too 

12. What are your art-related goals/resolutions for 2023?

like waht i said previously,, get out of comfortzone zones eventually!! ANDD i really realllyy want to make more 3d models and even render out ummm cool stuff like liminal spaces,,,,

13. Final notes!

im still probably going to draw gay people arent i

im here for it :3

ummm from anyyy of the things i uploaded if you're a sub (or not n just wondered around my profile) is there an artpiece of mine from 2022 that you seen n stuck with you?? it doesnt have to be a favorite but maybe just one that mightve got stuck in your head for awhile? got u thinkign about it or even inspired you ? (blushes) idk if this is a hard question and I know i. uploaded hundreds of art but if there is one you can think of (or more than one! ), i'd be happy to hear you out! :D you can even suggest what youd like to see me draw more of as well heehe

well ty for actually taking to time to read for my summary if yuo did!! :o i hoep you have an awhsome day or night ^_^

iconic ocs? :3c

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago by InkyBlossom

ggod I didn't realize how ugly my watermark is on some of my art lol soree I should totally remake it I've just gotten sooo used to my silly flowersona photo bombing everything I draw 🤣🤣

should I remake it with them or another sona or mascot.... (this question is mostly directed to myself but if you have a suggestion lmk!!!)

im really leaning towards just redrawing them because im. literally inkyblossom!!! and they're inkyblossom!!! easy to recognize!!! I think!!!!

but now I wonder!!! whos my most iconic ocs to you... when you think of me, what's the first oc (or few!) that you think of and can recognize easily!!! do yuo just know what they look like or do you feel like you know a thing or two about them too!!

if I know you, or if we're mutuals, I can tell you which of your ocs are most iconic to me!!! :3 I think it'll be fun

(oh and when I do make a new watermark, I'm not replacing the ones with the old one that will take way too long and demand a lot from the site servers I think sorry old art 😭) 

mashed potatoes

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by InkyBlossom

because of the surgical sites in my mouth it's kinda the only thing I've been living on but I don't care ive grown madly in love with mashed potatoes and 

felt the need to express this

Ive always liked mashed potatoes!!!!

and you qould think that I would eventually get sick of it if I had to eat it everyday for awhile but no I am in love guys

I can eat it with all kinds of things like uhh sometimes I like cheese... or ketchup... macaroni n cheesee... chicken..... FOOD!!!!!@<#$ and my dad made this banger sauce and its so good guys do you like mashed potatoes

do you love them as much as I do

do u eeat anything cool with them!!!!

I fucking love mashed potatoes 

I fucking love mashed potatoes

I fucking love mashed potatoes 

I want more I literally want to eat a whole tub istg 

store bought, from a restaurant,  home made iii don't care

I already finished a tub and I opened up another tonight isiriitgg

I think I'll beg my dad for more mashed potaors

thank you for coming to my mashed potato talk 


111 question thing bc this is fun

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by InkyBlossom

1)Are you really ready for 111 questions?

yas!!! :3

2) Was your last real relationship a mistake?

what relationship

4) Who did you last say "I love you" to?

my dad n lil sister

5) Do you regret it?

why would i

6) Have you ever been depressed?

yeah but i have been more anxious than depressed

7) Are you a boy?

i am women

8) Are you a girl?

i am. women

9) What is your relationship status?

am single

10) How do you want to die?

idk but i just hope it'll be quick

11) What did you last eat?

macaronii and ches

12) Played any sports?

eerrm i used to do bowling a lot!!!

13) Do you bite your nails?


14) When was your last physical fight?

i beat my sister ko with my furt pillow last night for whitewashing him (it's all jokes and games dw)

15) Do you have an attitude?

i dont,, think i do!! 

16) Do you like someone?

nope (i like my friends platonically tho!)

17) What is your real name?

nuh uh.... 🤨

19) Are you gonna get high later?

no (fsr my dad always jokes about me being high tho)

20) Do you hate anyone at the moment?

nott rly?? i do dislike a lot of people but I can't rly bring myself to *hate* them 

21) Do you miss someone?


22) Twirl or cut your spaghetti?

what??? dont u just!! eat teh spaghet....

23) Do you tan a lot?

what no my skin is alrready bad 😭

24) Have any pets?

3 parakeets!!! sunny, sparkles and skylar ^_^

25) How exactly are you feeling?

i think im ok!!

26) Ever eaten food in a car while someone or yourself is driving?


27) Ever made out in the bathroom?

wtf no ew why the dirtiest places out of... all places

28) Would you take any of your exes back?

what exes??!

29) Are you scared of spiders?

eerm no but i dont like big ones!!

30) Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?


31) Do you regret anything from your past?

I probably do but im trying not to think about it rn

32) What are your plans for this weekend?

uhmm.. huh.. idk!! i guess i will draw... chat with frens or study for this silly math test coming up

33) Do you want to have kids?

its a. scary thought to me but i actually find myself pondering about this a lot (i genuinely dont know)

34) Did you ever kiss someone whose name starts with an M?

my mom?????????? 😂

35) Do you type fast?

i think so!! when i know what im typing i think lmao

36) Do you have piercings?


37) Want any more?

absolutely not

38) Can you spell well?

eermm i thinkk so!! i just sometimes choose not to n its just the way i type

39) Do you miss anyone from your past?

i thought this was already asked but yes :(

40) What are you craving right now?

i forgot what i was craving 2 seconds ago what

41) Ever been to a bonfire party?

whats that?? ii dont think so

43) Have you ever been on a horse?

yeah!! ^_^

45) Have you ever broken someone's heart?

i think so :(

46) Have you ever been cheated on?

no lol

9) Would you live with someone without marrying them?

i dont think that would be acceptable for me lol

50) What should you be doing?

watching this Rear Window movie for my film critic class 🤣🤣

51) What's irritating you right now?

my MOUTHH (i recently got my wisdom teeth removed)

52) Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts?

umm? not rly?? unless like,, i miss talking with them and we dont so much anymore?? then yes idk

54) What is your favorite color?

blueee 💙

55) Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?


57) Do you have trust issues?

i think i do

62) Do you believe your most recent ex thinks about you?

what ex 😭

63) Who was the last person you cried in front of?

i dont remember but i do remember i was ugly crying on the toiler by myself the last time i cried 😭

64) Do you give out second chances too easily?

ppprroobably :(

65) Is it easier to forgive or forget?

i think its easier for me to forgive.. holding grudges can hurt

66) Is this year the best year of your life?

probably not.. idk how to feel about this year it was okay ig 

67) What was your child hood nickname?

ummm probably monkey /hj

68) Have you ever walked outside completely naked?

boy whaddahell boy no

70) Do you believe everything happens for a reason?


71) What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?

i vented to my friend Fart last night lmaaoo

73) What is bothering you?

my inconsistent motivation and being reminded what happened around this time last year

74) Have you ever been out of your state?

yrah!! arizona,, washington and nevada iirc.... id like to visit more one day!!!

75) Do you play the Wii?

i think i used to and i miss ittt 😭😭

76) Are you listening to music right now?

yes i am listening to this on loop

77) Do you like Chinese food?

yeah!! yum

78) Do you know your fathers b- day?

yup :( 

79) Are you afraid of the dark?

if i previously watched something scary on youtube then yes i get paranoid and have to use.... nightlight.... (the fact that i love analog horror, backrooms stuff and etc does not help at all)

80) Is cheating ever okay?

you're a scumbag if you do. disgusting behavior that is never right :(

81) Are you mean?

sometimes i want to be but i am good at being nice i think! :innocent emoji:

82) Can you keep white shoes clean?

naur 😭

84) Do you believe in true love?

ion know... definitely not over the internet.....

88) Do you like the outside?

the sun is a deadly laser

89) Are you currently bored?

kinda but i like being bored

90) Do you wanna get married?

i am very scared of this question

91) Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?

i think its weird unless its my family calling me that

92) Are you hungry?

kinda of (i am eating a blue slushy rn tho)

93) Have you ever made out for more than a half hour straight?

what the hell 😭 what is with these kissing questions ill tell u i havent kissed anyone in my life aside from famil y 

94) What makes you happy?

drawing my ocs being. silly

95) Would you change your name?

no im very happy with my name and i dont know why im asked this all the time

96) Ever been to Alaska?

naur lol

98) Do you watch the news?

barely... only if i have to for current events fo school 

99) What's your zodiac sign?


100) Do you like Subway?

i used to 😡 

101) Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?

kiss my dad on the cheek?? ion know but i wouldnt do it out of the blue

102) Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?

I'd probably have to tell them that im not interested in a relationship rn :(

105) Have you ever seen someone you knew & purposely avoided them?

all. the. time.

106) Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act yourself around?

online? i think so???? idk... irl?? nope 😶

107) who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?

umm my t teacher? 😭 god i talk to nobody huh

708) Does it matter if your boyfriend/girlfriend smokes?

i would be very concerned :(

109) Who's the last person you had a deep conversation with?

idk how deep but,, i guess my friend Fart last night lmao??

110) Favourite lyrics right now?

you can't win me.. i can't be beat..

i wont hurt you.. unless you cheat!

youu cant see mee behind the screeen

im half human, and half machine!

111) Can you count to one million?

i dont think i have the mental capacity to do so 🤣

I got my wisdom teeth pulled out

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by InkyBlossom

idk!!! I felt like telling yall this 😦

coz I know I was scared about them. Being taken out!!!!

but if you're getting yours out soon or ever in the future,, don't wait until you're super old!!! I heard the aftermath hurts even more when healing

but there's really not much to be worried about!!! all I'm gonna say is take deep breaths if you are nervous there,, staying calm is key!! and also there are!! different types of anesthesia that'll make you unaware of the procedure but I went for the sedation kind or "the twilight zone"

I was super calm and barely aware of what they were doing but I was still able to hear the doctor say "open up" if they needed to

the one that makes you all goofy after waking up is called general anesthesia. I mean do what you want but im glad I didn't do that one!!!

and I woke up with no pain!!! just a lil dizzy n hazy

and just!! follow the instructions, take the meds and rest for a day or two!!! I'm doing great and the aftermath pain isn't that bad,, at least for me!! 

so if you are getting yours out soon or in the future!! don't be too afraid!! im sure it's ok to be nervous and every experience will be different but you'll only make things worse if you make it appear to be that way!

and all I did when I got home was remove the gauze after awhile and!! there wasn't much bleeding so I was able to eat and drink a little of what I was able to (although it was kinda hard at first but hey I got to eat ice cream 🍦 😋)  and rested and watched SpongeBob all day!!! it was so silly

honestly the headache i was having hurt even more than my mouth!! but im ok now

and all the numbing didn't go away until I woke up the next day at 4 am

and I slept in the living room bc the couch is super comfy and I had to keep my head evaluated!!! I had my dave plush and 2 furt pillows with me :3

I should rest a lil tomorrow too but I also want to try to get some of my homework done before the weekend bc thats when some of it is due 😭

but anyways!!

if yuuo have gotten yours taken out already!! yuo can share your experience with me if younwant !! I'll be happy to listen <3

ALSO another big thing that helped me is that they let me take my beloved dave plush with me in the procedure... he helped a lot 

hi hai to him (it's 5 am and dark ik but im not getting up just to take a pictur of hiem)


sory it got super lengthy, I just wanted to share my experience!!! i hope it makes you feel a little better for those who are getting theirs out soon!!!

if not atm!! that's ok too!!! you can jsut tell me howe you're doing :3

for oc lore purposes

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by InkyBlossom

im sending a handful of my ocs to the backrooms *evil laughs*

i am literally having the TIME OF MY LIFE MAKING LORE REVOLVE AROUND THE BACKROOMS UNIRONICALLY ITS SO FUCKING FUN LOLOLOL and doing it with friends?? my besties??? so much fun wtf yall :3

a rare moment of me not dreading to write lore for my ocs holylyy fuuucckk

im totally gonna add this to my dave n bambi group world btw besties if u giggle wanna join too for silly purposes to submit them to teh backrooms folder (or others!!! :lpolzies:)

MarketSources!! (not mine!)

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by InkyBlossom

this is.. exactly something i was looking for!! ty Merioux teehee i shall spread the word too

i think this is such i nice idea! a good way to get more involved in trading n selling characters, doing commissions n just sharing characters !! cant wait to see this expand! you should check it out! ^_^


-first!! i updated some of my dnber's profiles and added their playlists!!! I even added more facts and lore for some too if you're interested hehehe!!! kudos to you if you are <3

playlists rly helped develop my characters more!!! my favorite rn is Darnell's 🥺 i dont  think i would have continued on his backstory n schtuff if i never made his playlist!! 

-secondly!! im going to promote my commissions again and as well as my adopt shop!! i am going to graduate soon and i'd loooove to haev some lil extra moneys to order some achievement gear to celebrate !! i'll appreciate any purchases! <3 i will probably make more cheapy designs to sale soon!!

also just a note that,, my artstyle has been changing again sooo my art may look different from the examples given on my commission sheets!!

and i noticed that there has been a small interest in custom commissions from me!! taht,, makes me sooo happy!! i'll just haev to figure out how i should price them,,, if anyone can give some advice about custom/design commissions and prices that would be appreciated!! :3

-thirdly!!! i present to youu my characters that are up for entertainment offers!! vvvv

ONLY THESE GUYS can be offered for!! how ever!! they r liek,,, super super tentative and most liekly not actually accept offerszz,,, i mostly just wanna see the kinds of offers i get on them!! but if I do see an offer i rly like i might accept!! errm just keep in mind that if I don't respond in like,, days i am probably not accepting the offer,,,,,, >< 

here is what im looking for,, from most to least

money (only for my designs!! not other peoplez. also theres a high chance ill auto accept money offers!) > art > premades and customs

the chances on acceptance also kina varies on the character!! some i have certain wishes for like for example i might accept ur offer if you agree to keep the characters linked or smth!! 

(i would also accept robux but im gonna have to set up a thingy for that soo not yet!! 😅)

i dont mind if you comment on this bulliten, on the oc profile or pm me to make the offers!!

 also reminder that i still have a purge going on teehee

-FOURTHLY!!!!! ... i just also want to say hi howe are you guyes doing!!! :3 did you guys do or make anything cool... or do you have plans!!??! wassup!!! :3

hoep you all have an awhsome dayeeee