Chaos Haven

Chaos Haven

【mixed genre- modern mixed w/fantasy and horror】【rating: t+】
"an experiment with unexpected results"

【 Synopsis 】

Theme: Revolving Friends Remix by RetroSpecter

During a Corruption-involved experiment on two moons ("The Nothing" and "Control Group"), something unexpected happened. The two moons disappeared, only to come back as a single small planet. This world is the mashup of the two original moons. Currently being researched by the Hub, although non-Hub-associated travelers are forbidden from the planet and no one living there can leave.

【 Lore 】


The Nothing: A heavily terraformed moon for the experimental group. Subjects were given various test versions of the  Corruption in hopes of finding the perfect variation (where three kinds  of unique magic would be combined but without the consequences seen in World's End) and set to live in a base with various prebuilt structures.  Soon, a city with various shops, homes, and even a currency was formed.  Supplies were provided for construction outside of the base, further expanding the town, dubbed the Nothing by its residents.

Control Group:  The control group of the experiment, on a separate but relatively close moon as the experimental group. Subjects were taken from "normal" magic-less worlds and placed in a base created to cater to that world.

Despite starting with the same number of subjects, the Nothing's population grew as beings were created from the excess magic leaking from certain  variations of the Corruption.

At some point during the research, the two moons disappeared, and  reappeared as one (very small) planet. The Nothing and C.G. had become intertwined within each other, often in odd ways (parts of buildings  being from the Nothing, the other part being from C.G., shops stuck in  schools and homes hanging off from the framework of construction  projects, etc). Citizens were of course freaked out, but have since  learned to live with each other. Although it is currently unknown where  the moons disappeared to, or how long they were gone (if they were in a  different dimension where time is tracked differently), research has  shown that the two moons were uniquely connected to each other in a way  that testing on the moons pre-experiment could never have picked up on.  It is suspected that the large amounts of magic leaking into the moon  from the Nothing activated this connection, which is likely tied in some  way to the unique properties of the Golden Ball. Further research is needed on these similarities.



【 cities 】

rainbow city

The largest of three major cities, it was created from the two original bases from C.G. and the Nothing. Some sectors started out as more C.G. than the Nothing and vice versa, but it has become much more diverse over time, becoming its own thing rather than a mash-up of its past.

Starlight market

A sprawling marketplace of bright lights and dark buildings, making the neon signs and warm lanterns pop out against the rest of the cityscape. It is largely consisting of the Nothing in terms of material, but it contains a diverse mix from both original cities. It's big and bustling, the beautiful centerpiece of Rainbow City.

main city 2


city of loneborough

The smallest of three major cities. It's more of a rural town than urban city, created by and for those that wanted to get away from the city. There are several farms of Chaos Haven-specific crops and some, albeit few, livestock. Parks and hiking trails are plentiful, and even the most clustered part of town has some breathing room for its residents.

【 Characters 】

Story 1

Story 2


  • 【 Feature 】

    Definition. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • 【 feature 】

    Definition. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
    (Note: Nulla bibendum eleifend diam sed lobortis.)
  • 【 feature 】

    Directly connected to the Hub, but cut off from travelers.
  • 【 Feature 】

    Definition. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • 【 Term 】

    Definition. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
    (Note: Nulla bibendum eleifend diam sed lobortis.)
  • 【 Term 】

    Definition. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Code by AviCode

incomplete profile avatar music incomplete backstory new profile needed redesign make outfit refs J aerolin make a full ref J surname barren my design draw name gifted she he art male female