J0tiita's Bulletins

Commissions are O P E N

Posted 5 years, 7 months ago by J0tiita

Hey guys, I know it's been a while since I've said or done anything on this page and its because I've been having a tough time online but that's all fixed and forgotten now! So I've decided that I'll be opening my commission to earn some extra cash. Homelife is starting get a bit shaky with now that my mom is FOR SURE losing the house now. (we are waiting to see what the court says) I want to just, have some cash ready for any sort of emergency starting now.

My commission info will be found here ----> https://commiss.io/j0T11tA

But any of yall are feeling nice and just wanna donate go here ----> https://ko-fi.com/A206IJI Any and all donations will be VERY much appreciated!