Any closed species characters in any of these folders belong to me only, though some may be "shared" with my best friend Lavender.
While some characters may remain part of their respective worlds, I am using them for my own personal purposes, which may deviate from designated species lore.

None of these characters are available for trade, sale, or any other method of transfer. 

I strongly urge you to stay away from communities like these if you struggle with compulsive spending;
this warning is especially relevant if you are diagnosed with borderline personality disorder.
It will make your life miserable, and you will never be happy. No purchase you make will ever satisfy you.
Do yourself a favor: sell what you can, get rid of any trade fodder, and get out. I did. And I'm much happier now.

p complete comfort cs purge star wars clone wars tcw the clone wars sona commando street gang browbird anthro os t sharkrival destiny furry exo