
Tenesoir is a planet shrouded in eternal night.  As rough as that sounds, there are pockets of dire fog, which create oppressively dark spaces where even the brightest lights are near-useless.  It's in this fog that the worst monsters live, sometimes referred to as Phantoms, due to their propensity to kill travelers and vanish into the fog without a trace.

Thus, many residents of this fantasy world have a religious attachment to light.  The Order of Scintilla is a church that worships a goddess of light, calling on her blessings to light up towns and heal wounds.  Lately, the church has even become a sort of international law.  Thus, those that are versed in "blasphemous" magic typically hide away from settlements, and whispers of fen witches and reclusive sorcerors begin bubbling amongst the people.

While the Order typically restricts themselves to the safety of the towns of Tenesoir, there's another group dedicated to striking out into the wilderness.  The Night Watch is a group that's not afraid to camp out in the woods, or whatever else it takes to keep the roads safe.  After all, between the darkness, the monsters, Phantoms, and even the odd band of brigands, things can get lawless and dangerous beyond city limits.  But the Watch and the Order don't always see eye to eye...