Jotaku's Bulletins

adopt minis 1 hour heads up!

Posted 8 years, 2 months ago by Jotaku

a'ight a'ight a'ight

in about an hour -- 11pm pacific -- I'll be posting some adopts up!
here is a little preview for now:

(laffs still cleaning up the blakrye on the right but ye)

The four on the left will be flat sale of $150, if any are left after a couple days I'll do an auction on da/fa
the Melwyrm (one on far right) however, will be held as an auction at the same time/post as when I put the other adopts (wow okay this sounds confusing, but p much ones on the left will be flat sale, melwyrm will be an auction) -- cuz it's the first one actually for sale and now I get to play the fun game of seeing where they should be priced.
if you'd like, you can read up a little on Melwyrms here - + current/updated examples cuz the one on that stash is out of date;
Their information and species is a bit of a WIP right now but I'm impatient and felt like designing one anyway so hERE WE ARE

but ye
NO you may NOT claim early. 
But if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask now!

I'm baaacckk

Posted 8 years, 2 months ago by Jotaku

(cue in that song from the one hella old dinosaur movie)

Um, yes.  Con was alright.  Not the best con, but nothing bad happened either.  Just a p solid 'Decent' score -- not much to tell. (except for the one night where one of our buddies sneakily got on another buddy's computer, letting the poor guy go on a rant about his horrible boss and then body image while being completely oblivous to a google image search page just full of naked butts behind him while we all giggled helplessly for like 20 minutes-- that was p damn funny, like most hilarious moment of 2k16 and possibly also 2k15)

I got back home on the 28th but was so exchaused I just went to bed at like noon and didn't wake up again until 7am the next day FFFFF
So decided I wanted to take yesterday off and just laze about.... ye...  But here I am, back on track.

Ah, let's see, order of business -- I definitely need to make some money now, so expect some adopts up either tonight but most likely tomorrow.
Thinking of doing some (five??) off-base minis, flat slate probably at 150 again.  Any left over will be auctioned on dA/FA in a day or two after posting 'em.

Otherwise... it's now catch-up time w/ my to-do list.  So anyone who's waiting on me to do my half of anything, you shouldn't be waiting too much longer.  Thank you for your patience w/ me, as always!

Two week semi-hiatus!

Posted 8 years, 3 months ago by Jotaku

I just plan to be super super busy for the next week and a half or so. And for the dates of the 23rd thru the 28th I will be completely out of town and not responding to stuff on FA, dA, or TH at all (whoo, Sakuracon!).

I'll still be around and checking in otherwise, but I just.. won't be around a lot. And probably slow. Anything that requires an in depth reply or time will most likely be held off until I have time to do it.

Probably the 29th (or maybe 28th if I'm not too tired) I'll be able to properly catch up and be back to my regular f5ing everything way too frequently schedule. FFF
It's also likely I will be posting some sort of adopts before this month is fully out, somewhere between the 29th and 31st. Commissions will be offered again sometime in April.

As always, thank you all for your support! 8)))

EDIT;; OKAY WOW THese went super fast.  Thank you so much!  I'll be replying to everyone individually shortly.  If you did not make it, keep an eye out for around this time-ish (give or take a couple hours??) tomorrow, on FA!  I'll open additional slots then! o/

This is gonna be a two-part opening.  First 12 slots are opening here, second 12 slots are opening on FA tomorrow.  This will most likely be the last time I open MYO slots for a good long while (fingers crossed anyway, that no financial stuff crops up that results in me needing to rely on them again anytime soon).  





-$40 base price
-One slot per person
-You may NOT purchase a MYO if you still have an unfinished MYO slot.
-Payment is upfront, within 48 hours after time of slot confirmation, NO refunds -- please make sure to buy one only if you are certain
-MYOs and MYO slots may be resold for no more than paid for.
-MYO slots may NOT be traded. Unfortunately someone took advantage of my kindness previously in a really uncool way, so I am now taking away this privilege. You may only trade after the MYO is completed and approved.
-No base will be provided by me for this event, but feel free to use other bases or get others to help you if you cannot draw it yourself.
-Please try to complete your MYOs in a reasonable time frame (ideally within a month to two months).
-Finished MYOs MUST be run by me to 100% confirm and okay the design


First, please make sure to reply to this bulletin to claim your slot!
I will only give confirmation replies after all spots are filled or after 24 hours, to avoid confusion or getting overwhelmed.
Once I confirm your slot, please provide the corresponding form as a reply comment.
(Please do NOT pm forms; it's so much easier for me to double check forms in the approval process when they're comments than to dig months back into my notes--not to mention TH has horrible PM coding. @_@)

You have 48 hours to fill out the form and send payment after I have confirmed your slot--failure to do so will result in the loss of your slot NO EXCEPTIONS. You may, however, upgrade your MYO with rare traits and pay for those rare traits at anytime. (So if, for example, you buy a regular blakrye w/o any special traits, and three weeks later decide you want a pygmy, you can contact me and pay the $5 to upgrade.)
You may also switch your traits at any time up until I okay your MYO and add it to the approved MYO stash. This means, if for example you bought a blakrye myo and put on your form that you wanted fluff, but decide you want droop instead, you are free to switch.
Once your MYO has been approved and added to the Stash, you may no longer make trait edits.  Minor edits will be allowed post-approval, but designs must remain recognizable to what you approved. Please make sure you are 100% satisfied with your design before okaying it with me.



-$40 base price
+$5 for Feral or Pygmy
+$5 for Tinted or Prism
+$5 for one Current Mutation
-May add ONE uncommon trait (excluding super fluff) for no additional cost
-You may choose to make your blakrye a kemonomimi for no additional cost, so long as it is Regular or Pygmy (+$5 for pygmy still applies)
-Very light pastel hair, Pearl, Albino, and Super Fluff traits are OFF LIMITS
-Hair may have multiple colors for no additional cost, but must be over 50% the base color (e.g. Common blakrye with color streaks but over half remains black, etc.)
-A lot of ppl missed this tidbit last time, but hair and lightning MUST match unless the blakrye is Tinted (colored hair, but black lightning)
-Also, Tinted only refers to having colored hair and black lightning, it does not mean the hair has to be tinted or have a gradient (altho this is totally allowed too). : )


body type: (regular, feral, or pygmy)
color type: (common, tinted, or prism)
uncommon traits (y/n; if yes please state which trait -- may pick 1 of; fluff, droop, mixed, extra)
current mutation: (y/n; if yes please state which trait -- may pick 1 of; no ear currents type A, no ear currents type B, split tail)



-$40 base price
+$5 for Eyes or Spikes on sphere
+$5 for one of the following: Up Ears, Long Ears, Collar Fins, or Bobtail/Short tails (+$2.5 for a second)
-You may choose any sphere size. Blank spheres, spheres with teeth, down ears, short ears, hip fins, tail fins, and scales cost no additional fee. Have fun. : )
-Spheres MUST be dark in color or black. Colored spheres may be something I offer in the future, but if I do it will be a trait only I give out.
-Legendary and all other Rare traits are OFF LIMITS.


Sphere w/ Eyes or Spikes: (y/n)
Extra Traits: (y/n; if yes please state which -- may pick up to 2 of; up or long ears, collar fin, bobtail/short tail)

If you resell your slot **PLEASE** inform me so I can keep this list properly updated!! (Remember trading slots is not allowed anymore!) for approved MYOs

o1. draco - blakrye (paid) (not completed)
o2. ravens - blakrye (paid) (not completed)
o3. near - sphaerra (paid) (completed)
o4. ClaraLaine - blakrye (paid) (completed)
o5. novaraptor - blakrye (paid) (not completed)
o6. Madcarnival - blakrye (paid) (completed)
o7. shadowkitty777 - blakrye (paid) (completed)
o8. mallimutt - blakrye (paid) (completed)
o9. haphazardheart - blakrye (paid) (not completed)
1o. Vin - blakrye (paid) (not completed)
11. Holic - blakrye (paid) (ompleted)
12. KuroNassa - sphaerra (paid) (completed)
13. Eva - blakrye (paid) (not completed)
14. dirtriot - blakrye (paid) (not completed)

btw, custom auction coming in soon!

Posted 8 years, 3 months ago by Jotaku

It'll be thru dA/FA like usual, but giving a warning here since.. well, adopt website FFFF
There's gonna be sorta price changes this time, though.  Instead of just 750 single AB, this time there will be an AB1 at 750, and an AB2 at 900 including extra art.


UMMMM I'm gonna aim to have the auction up by 7pm pacific (so like in three hours)
I'll be posting first to dA this time, since i posted first to FA last time and it went like right off the bat FFF

As a bit of warning, I am doing it now in case anyone needs a payment plan to ensure I can get payment before the end of the month -- but I won't be starting this custom until the end of the month or likely April.

SO ye, if you're interested in trying pls keep an eye out! 8))

Blakrye OTA [done] TYSM everyone!!

Posted 8 years, 3 months ago by Jotaku

EDIT;; The OTA is now over!  Thank you so much to everyone who offered -- there were a ton of super amazing offers and you all made it really tough on me! ;___;/
I appreciate all of your interest so much!

Now Belongs to: ethelune

UM, yeah, I just felt like doodling something kinda messy and quick for a change and a little blakrye came out of it.

-Kinda in between Prism and Pearl

-anything tbh
-I like money
-I like designs from what's listed here, but I'll look at other things too (just understand it's way less likely I'll want stuff not on this list) -- as a note, reaaally thirsty for efurus rn. 
-I like art too
-I especially like combos of above listed things

I am not really interested in customs at this time mostly cuz I just... don't know what to ask for jfl;sdf  
BUT I am totally willing to consider 'first dibs' offers for future adopts or batches but ONLY from designers listed above.

I actually prefer offers are COMMENTED here this time, but if you absolutely must, you can PM them instead. 
Also, as always, this follows my standard adopt ToS.
I'm gonna leave this up for... idk.. until around Monday mid-day?  I'll give an hour or so warning before I decide to close it!
I'm sure this won't happen, but just in case -- if by some strange chance I just don't really get any offers that I'm feeling, I may close the OTA and decide to keep this blakrye for myself.  

some dreamies for swap/trade

Posted 8 years, 3 months ago by Jotaku

you can find info here:

feel free to comment here or pm, if you want!

assorted mini adopts 2 wip preview

Posted 8 years, 3 months ago by Jotaku

these still need to be cleaned up/refined (and blakryes need their zappy butts [feral blakrye will be Tinted, btw]) but yes a quick preview for upcoming adopt batch. ^q^
their abs will be 150 if anyone wants to early claim (again tho these are still wips so will need to be cleaned up, but colors/markings are p much finalized atm) -- otherwise i'll post whatever is available on dA/FA after they're finished, most likely tomorrow sometime.

aw ye

Blakrye (1st) claimed by PM
Sphaerra (2nd) claimed by Ebzi
Feral Blakrye (3rd) claimed by Kuumone
Evren (4th) claimed by Madcarnival

Mostly away for next week!

Posted 8 years, 3 months ago by Jotaku

Imma be out and about tomorrow for majority of the day, and will be out of town for the weekend.

I will have my laptop/tablet with me for the weekend, so I may be able to work on stuff but I'm not promising much (it's very hard for me to focus out of my environment, and I don't know how busy I'll be)
I'll be back sometime sunday tho, so should be able to get back to work on monday!


SO YEAH, needless to say ppl on my to-do list, please be patient with me if you don't see anything from me until next week o<-<
I also may not be around to reply to stuff a bunch this week because of that (as just an incase warning)

Looking for Designs! Offering Art/Customs

Posted 8 years, 3 months ago by Jotaku

Please go here to read info!


Feel free to comment there or here, or PM me offers if you prefer! ;v;/