Jotaku's Bulletins

Hello hello!!

Just a little heads up that tomorrow I'll be holding another auction for a second kiss themed commission!
It'll only run for ~one day this time instead of two, but otherwise you can check the previous opening for art examples and the general lowdown.
(For those waiting on winter paints -- don't worry!  I'm currently wrapping up one last custom, then plan to dedicate this upcoming week+ towards getting your paints done!  So expect to see WIPs coming your way fairly soon! ^^)
((Which also means the kiss paint won't be started until the end of feb at earliest, but I'll include more info on that in the actual post tomorrow!))


And then on the 21st at ~3pm pacific I'll be putting this little feathirbutt up!  I've been sitting on this kiddo for a while now, and have decided their time is finally now fjlkdsa



Anyway, I figured since they're getting posted so close to each other I'd give a nice big heads up so anyone interested in either could plan accordingly! 🙏💖

Snow Themed Commissions! [closed]

Posted 3 months, 17 days ago by Jotaku

Edit:  All filled, thank you!!  I'll def try to open some more either later this month or early next!! ;V;//


Alrighty alrighty, so alongside the vday paint, I am also looking to accept a few solo character snow themed commissions!     


$200 flat, paypal only
Please be ready to send full payment within 24 hours
Turn around should be about 2-3 weeks
Only three slots for now, but I'll see what I can do about opening some more later on in the month! (and if I end up too busy for more this month, I'll for sure be doing some again next month, promise!)
If you're interested, please drop a comment to claim one! ^^

1. umbral-wind
2. RegalRenegade
3. Hanae
4. quicklevin

Post for it can be found here! ↓↓

Also, just a huge thanks for all the interest!!  It has honestly blown me away! 😭 💗
I'll definitely do another kiss paint opening in the later half of the month -- most likely sometime during the week following valentine's.
So please keep an eye out for that opportunity, as well! 🙏

Hello, hello!
I'd really like to do some Kiss on the Cheek themed paint commissions again for Valentine's season this year, but chances are I'll only have time for one (maybe two) this month.
So I thought, why not hold it as an auction so everyone who's interested can have a chance at it!

This won't be started until the ~10th at the earliest, but as long as payment is completed by that date, I'll very likely be able to get it finished for you in time for V-day! ^^

Recent Paint Examples:
***This is the starting style/level of detail the painting will be done in!***

Old Kiss on the Cheek Examples:
***Please note that my painting/art style has changed a little since these were done, but these are about where the highest possible level of detail will be!***

Rules & Info
Auction will go for two days, starting now and ending at 4PM pacific on 2/2. (I'll make a reminder bulletin three hours before the auction ends!)
Paypal only; whole US dollar increments only; min bid is $2.
30 min snipe guard (any bids within the last 30 minutes will extend the bidding time until 30 min after last bid has passed).
Serious bidding only! Any backing out will result in a timed suspension from my sales.
The first $200 should be paid within 24 hours of the auction ending (by 2/3), but I can be flexible with the remainder as long as it is paid off by the end of February.
If the paint is paid in full by Feb 10th, I'll do my best to deliver it by Valentine's Day. (I don't want to make a hard promise in case something comes up, but I will definitely be aiming for the 14th!)
If bidding reaches $300+, the level of detail will begin to bump up alongside the bids.  The old kiss paint examples are the highest level of detail I will offer with this painting, though, so please keep this in mind when bidding!  (Also do note that my style is a little more textured/less smooth nowadays, so it likely won't look exactly like them.)

Starting Bid: $150
Current Bid: $700 by Sinderella

Please reply here with your comments and/or questions [link]
So I can make sure the bidding chain remains easily accessible at the top! : )

Blakrye auction! [closed]

Posted 3 months, 28 days ago by Jotaku

Edit: I had it suggest to me to offer more AB/upgrade tier options to my sales and I thought that might be a great idea, so I've adjusted things to include a multitude of editing and upgrading options in case those tickle anyone's fancy! 🙏

Goodness, been quite a while since I've done regular blakryes, hasn't it? oVo;;


link if image doesn't load:

★As always, this follows my standard adopt ToS.
★Auction will start now and end tomorrow (1/24) at 6pm pacific.
★Paypal only; whole dollar increments only; min bid is $2
★30 minute snipe guard (any bids within the 30 minutes will extend time until 30 minutes after last bid passes)
★Serious bidding only! Any backing out will result in a timed suspension from my sales.
★If you are still paying a previous purchase off with me, you must finish paying that off before participating in my newer sales and auctions.
Please be prepared to send the first $150 within 24 hours.  I'd really like the second $100 to be paid by Feb 1st (aka $250 total paid off by then), but I can be flexible with the remainder.  Please check with me first if you think you'd need longer than a month!
★After full payment is received, I will send over the larger, un-watermarked file.  
★If your account is blank and/or new -- I will require you show proof of activity somewhere (such as dA or FA, or alt TH account) in which I will note you there to confirm

I will offer minor edits and/or color adjustments if AB'd, otherwise these adopts come as-is. o/

Starting Bid: $100
Autobuy 1: $250 - 
minor edits (as in, I won't redo large portions of the design, but color shifts or wanting some marking adjustments/additions is fine!  if you're unsure, always feel free to ask!)
Autobuy 2: $350 - 
color rarity shifts/upgrades (eg. changing from common > pearl) + current mutation upgrades (split tails or no tail currents) unlocked
Autobuy 3: $500 - 
albino rarity upgrade unlocked + more extensive edits (hairstyle changes, expression changes, adding/removing fluff, changing ear types)
Autobuy 4: $700 - 
kitchen sink upgrade; I'll redraw the adopt with any desired edits - AKA body type can be changed (regular/pygmy/feral/batrye/super fluff), markings/colors can be changed, whatever!  (note that this will be inserted around other work, so may take me up to a month to complete.)

1. Left
Traits: Pygmy + Common (lightning is black, the filled-in color is just the aura)
Current bid: $100 by Nokiry

2. Middle
Traits: Feral + Prism
Current bid: AB1 by spiral-paynt

3. Right
Traits: Tinted
Current bid: AB2 by luparoca

Please make all bids (including AB comments) as replies to the current bidder in the bidding chain!!  Thank you!!
I want to make sure the previous bidder is aware when they've been outbid, so please reply it to them and not my comment! o/

Please reply here with comments and/or questions: [link]

Custom design slot opening! [closed ty!]

Posted 4 months, 17 days ago by Jotaku

Hello hello!

I am opening one semi-blind custom slot!  If you're interested, please drop a comment to claim! ^^/

- It's $550 for a melwyrm ($750 with wyrm form) - OR - $350 for a non-melwyrm ($550 for base design + outfit design).  A non-wyrm custom can be for blakryes, sphaerras, feathirfolk, non-species, outfit designs, and MYOs.  Higher rarity traits (such as albinos, batryes, etc) are off-limits.
- At least $350 should be paid up front & within 24 hours, but I can allow some extra wiggle room for paying off the remainder - please just let me know what kind of timeframe you'd need. :)
- You can see some previous examples of these customs here!
- For this type of custom I send one primary WIP for edits after I have the design fully roughed out.  I don't do super extensive editing rework for these, nor do I offer step-by-step mock-ups like with my past bigger customs -- it's mostly a you-get-what-you-get type thing with a little room for adjusting along the way.
- I can provide a form if you prefer, but am also totally chill with working off of open-ended prompts, collages, and pinterest boards!

claimed by: 

Feathirfolk auction! [closed]

Posted 4 months, 20 days ago by Jotaku

Here we are!!  Ushering the new year in with, uh, a reaper-esque feathirfolk!  Cuz why not? 😂


link if image doesn't load:

★As always, this follows my standard adopt ToS.  (+Feathirfolk info.)
★Auction will start now and end tomorrow (1/2) at 6pm pacific.
★Paypal only; whole dollar increments only; min bid is $2
★30 minute snipe guard (any bids within the last 30 minutes will extend time until 30 minutes after last bid passes)
★Serious bidding only! Any backing out will result in a timed suspension from my sales.
★If you are still paying a previous purchase off with me, you must finish paying that off before participating in my newer sales and auctions.
Please be prepared to send the first $250 within 24 hours, and I can allow up to an extra two weeks for the remainder.
★After payment is received, I will send out the larger, un-watermarked files.  
★If your account is blank and/or new -- I will require you show proof of activity somewhere (such as dA or FA, or alt TH account) in which I will note you there to confirm

If AB'd, I'm willing to make edits (within reason ofc)!  Otherwise they come as-is.

Starting Bid: $100
Current Bid: $210 by hinatot
Autobuy: $450

Please make all bids (including AB comments) as replies to the current bidder in the bidding chain!!  Thank you!!
I want to make sure the previous bidder is aware when they've been outbid, so please reply it to them and not my comment! o/

Please reply here with comments and/or questions: [link] 💕

Feathirfolk auction preview!

Posted 4 months, 21 days ago by Jotaku

Hello, hello!  Happy new years, everyone!   

I'm just dropping a lil preview of a feathirfolk I'll be posting up tomorrow on the 1st, at 5pm pacific! (so roughly 24 hours from now)
They'll be put up as an auction with a $450 AB!

So if you're interested, please keep an eye out! ^^/



Holiday wyrm auction! [closed]

Posted 5 months, 16 hours ago by Jotaku

Hello, hello!  Merry christmas and happy holidays to y'all!  Hope this time of year is treating everyone alright!

Today I am auctioning a wee christmas inspired melwyrm, as well as opening one melwyrm semi-blind custom slot.

For the semi-blind melwyrm custom slot:
- Price is $500 (or $700 with wyrm form included)
- At least $250 will need to be paid up front, but I can allow some extra wiggle room for paying off the remainder - please just let me know what kind of timeframe you'd need. :)
- You can see some previous examples of these customs here!
- For this type of custom I send one WIP for edits after I have the design fully roughed out, then a final WIP right at the end to double check everything looks good.  I don't do super extensive editing rework for these, nor do I offer step-by-step mock-ups like with my past bigger customs -- it's mostly a you-get-what-you-get type thing with a little room for adjusting along the way.
- I have a form available, but am also totally chill with working off of open-ended prompts, collages, and pinterest boards!

slot claimed by: Yawal
(please reply to [this comment here] to claim the slot!)


And as for the christmas wyrm...
I honestly have no clue what to price this one as, cuz I'm not entirely sure how popular blatantly winter holiday themed adopts are? So, uh, auction it is!! 😂


link if image doesn't load:

★As always, this follows my standard adopt ToS.  (+Melwyrm Info [ignore the out-of-date visuals, but text info is all accurate!].)
★Auction will start now and end tomorrow (12/22) at 6pm pacific.
★Paypal only; whole dollar increments only; min bid is $2
★30 minute snipe guard (any bids within the last 30 minutes will extend time until 30 minutes after last bid passes)
★Serious bidding only! Any backing out will result in a timed suspension from my sales.
★If you are still paying a previous purchase off with me, you must finish paying that off before participating in my newer sales and auctions.
Please be prepared to send the first $250 within 24 hours, and have the remainder paid off by no later than January 3rd.
★After payment is received, I will send out the larger, un-watermarked files.  
★If your account is blank and/or new -- I will require you show proof of activity somewhere (such as dA or FA, or alt TH account) in which I will note you there to confirm

If this wyrmy is AB'd, I will allow minor edits & include a sketchy lil outfit breakdown for them!

Starting Bid: $100
Current Bid:  $250 by poringrenger
Autobuy: $450

Please make all bids (including AB comments) as replies to the current bidder in the bidding chain!!  Thank you!!
I want to make sure the previous bidder is aware when they've been outbid, so please reply it to them and not my comment! o/

Please reply here with comments and/or questions: [link] 💕

Melwyrm Auction [closed - ty!!]

Posted 5 months, 18 days ago by Jotaku

Edit: wow they went fast!  Thank you so much for the interest!! 😭💕

Don't really have anything to preface this one with.  Just... surprise!! Magical piano-playing wyrm!! 🎹 ✨🎉 /will smith tada pose


link if image doesn't load:

★As always, this follows my standard adopt ToS.  (+Melwyrm Info [ignore the out-of-date visuals, but text info is all accurate!].)
★Auction will start now and end tomorrow (12/4) at 6pm pacific.
★Paypal only; whole dollar increments only; min bid is $2
★30 minute snipe guard (any bids within the 30 minutes will extend time until 30 minutes after last bid passes)
★Serious bidding only! Any backing out will result in a timed suspension from my sales.
★If you are still paying a previous purchase off with me, you must finish paying that off before participating in my newer sales and auctions.
Please be prepared to send the first $250 within 24 hours.  I can be flexible with the remainder, but check with me first if you'll need more than a month.
★After payment is received, I will send out the larger, un-watermarked files.  
★If your account is blank and/or new -- I will require you show proof of activity somewhere (such as dA or FA, or alt TH account) in which I will note you there to confirm

This wyrmy comes with a front-facing concept doodle, as well, for extra reference.  Files will additionally include sans background versions both with and without the piano.

Starting Bid: $100
Current Bid:  AB1 by Nokiry
Autobuy Tier 1: $750

Autobuy Tier 2: $950

Autobuy Tier 1: will include optional edits (within reason ofc)
Autobuy Tier 2: will include wyrm form + a simplistic blocky bust paint (example)

Please make all bids (including AB comments) as replies to the current bidder in the bidding chain!!  Thank you!!
I want to make sure the previous bidder is aware when they've been outbid, so please reply it to them and not my comment! o/

Please reply here with comments and/or questions: [link] 💕