Luna State

Luna State was created by my partner [Kasey Monroe] and is a world similar to ours, but with magic, alchemy, dragons, and advanced technology. 

It is set in a not so distant future, beginning around 2050 up to 2080. There are portions of the plot that begin in the 90's, but the primary plot starts in the mid 2050's. 

A few important plot points involve The Guardians, The AMP'D Tournament, the war in Underworld, and the CORE crisis.

Notable locations include: Mooncrest, Cyberron, Stratusburg, Luna City, Liveon, Riala, Zawei, the Northern Border, and Underworld. The majority of these locations [exception to Zawei and Underworld] are cities within Luna State. 

Magic users can be casters or summoners, and are known as Mages. Mana is required for all living beings to survive, though not everyone is able to use or manipulate their mana. Mortals who are unable to manipulate their mana are known as Me'res [singular: me're. pronounced: meer]. Alchemy is an option for mages and me'res alike, though it can be complicated for someone to try to balance being a user of both skills. Mages and demons are often drawn to one element such as fire or water, and become attuned to that element as their main skill. It's rare but not impossible for someone to be able to manipulate multiple elements, but if they want to master one they may need to leave the others behind.

Technology has also advanced to the point where cybernetics and augmentations are readily available. Luna City is a city of magic, and technoledgy does not function when within the walls of the city. Cyberron is a city where tech and crime are more prevalent, and mana users often feel suffocated or surpressed when within the city. Most other cities are more fairly balanced between the two, though mages will often keep their mana use to themselves to not draw attention to themselves. 

Guardians are rare, and powerful. There can only be one guardian of a given element at a time, and if one guardian is disabled or destroyed, the title will go to the next. They work together as needed, but also prefer to keep a low profile about their abilities.

Demons reside primarily in Underworld, and only demons who achieve a high rank can be granted permission to live on Middle Ground. Raku Zero is the God of Chaos, and is the current King of Underworld. Morrighan is the Queen of Dragons, while Cassandra is the Queen of Succubi. 

The Divine Council is a group of powerful beings, not considered to be gods or demons. They are powerful, and have abilities ranging from being able to fuse beings into chimeras, to the ability to erase or reset an entire timeline. Though they are incredibly powerful, Zero is their counterbalance. Members of the Divine who rebel against them are considered Fallen, but are not actively hunted by The Divine unless the council deems it necessary. For this reason, Fallen and Divine do still regurally interact with each other, and can be known to cooperate with each other and with demons as needed.

More information to come later!