

  • USD (sale/resale/partial)

  • Humanoid art! Huge preference for people that are able to (and have examples of) draw scenes or multiple characters interacting. I may request art of my ocs (2-3) doing basic stuff with a background or a story driven scene with more dynamic poses

  • DO NOT offer: more than 4 pages of ocs and definitely not your entire TH profile or else I won’t bother looking. Please link specifc folders or ocs you think fits my preferences;; 

x C uft Offer cs Ufo Designer tag 1 peakwing Serptail Soleiwing Kyra Runicwing Browbird Vallerie somniwarden celestial seas chowling Wof Aria Spinxyn dainty Dainty stylecolor eea355 idore designs anthro npc Finn Soggy tissue Sorawing painted satyr yokai utf cat runicwing X Chowling Pouflon companions minor god Chimereon Skywing kiba - Somniwarden mt-n2 Painted Satyr Celestial seas