
All characters here are open for adoption.
Paypal (usd) - Customs - Characters - Art - Deviant art points - Ect

rules to keep in mind!
o When adopting you can change the character however you want as long as its sorta recognizable.
o You can't sell the character, But you are free to trade back to me or someone else, AS LONG AS YOU LET ME KNOW!
o Most likely they won't be first come first serve!
X I will not take ANY Nsfw art or Nsfw characters!

Open=The Adopt is still open and you can make offers.
Pending= The adopt is not longer open and is awaiting payment/being sent over to its new owner.

May add more rules later!

skeleton undertale Need to draw need to draw pony undertale oc undertale au Nokori Skeleton undertale au oc mlp ota mare skeleton oc uft sans oc demon taken single earthpony