KookyGlucose's Bulletins

I enjoy writing poetry! Yeehaw! I made a Reddit account to use primarily for sharing poetry, so check it out if you want!

So far I’ve posted a limerick-style-poem about a day in the life of a domestic cat, a second song/poem based on Marcy from Amphibia in the episode “All In“ (THE POEM HAS SPOILERS FOR THE EPISODE), & I’ve posted some feedback on some other pea pods’ poems! 


(Full disclosure about my Reddit account’s origins: My sibling told me that using Reddit automatically gives you a special cat calendar widget app thingy, so that was the initial reason I made an account & didn’t intend to do anything with the account. But then it ended up that even though I made an account on the website, I couldn’t get the cat calendar because that only works if you get the Reddit app, which I don’t want to get until I’m 17, because, unlike the Reddit website, the app is labeled as 17+ & asks you to confirm your age before downloading, & I’m under 17 & don’t want to lie. So since I had already set up my account, I thought I might as well actually use it for something other than getting a cat calendar.)

At long last, I do… SOMETHING!

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by KookyGlucose

OH MY GOSH, this account has been dead for so long. I had a dream last night that reminded me. I have a “dream journal” on my notes app, I’ll just copy what I typed there.

Thurs. May 26th, 2022

Dream from last night

I was drawing Glucose & redesigning them a bit. As I was uploading the redesign to Toyhouse, I was thinking about and realizing that I hadn’t done anything on Toyhouse in a long time! Gwah! (The time-thing is also true to real life, the dream reminded me!) Once the redesign was uploaded, I realized that the four “Glucose” drawings I drew looked like semi-realistic cartoony ponies of different pastel pink, purple, blue & [insert color I don’t remember here] colors (Easter colors). And I thought to myself: Why does Glucose look so horse-y now? That’s all I remember from the dream.

Thank you, dream, for prompting me to resurrect this account. I’m not super duper into interpreting dreams or anything, but I think this dream is blatant enough in presenting itself that I should take some inspiration from it.

I’m going to be alive on this account once again; I won’t be supah dupah active, but I’ll upload content here & there & respond to others’ content. I have final exams coming up next week, so once those are done, I’ll be a bit more active! Also good luck to anyone else with final exams coming up, & congrats to anyone who’s already taken finals!

When I’ve disappeared from Toyhouse, it’s never been planned; I just get caught up in other things goin’ on in my life & eventually realize: Man, I haven’t used Toyhouse in a while, I should make an update. 

I am going to work on increasing my sense of awareness. The next time I make a significant disappearance from Toyhouse, I will post a bulletin update saying that I will disappear for a while & estimate the length of the disappearance BEFORE actually disappearing.

Now… (1) will I redesign Glucose? (2) Will I redesign them into a HORSE? 

(1) If so… only a tad. (2) No. I have no idea why that happened in the dream.

All right, thank you for reading! Happy trails to ya!

Quick SNB Update | Poll on Upcoming Characters

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by KookyGlucose

Which do you most want to see fleshed out first?

2 Votes Anthro dog photographer/poetry hobbyist & his anthro cat husband who’s a model
0 Votes A doctor and her friend’s romantic friendship turns tragic when the friend is in a car crash that gives her severe brain damage
1 Votes Spunky mystery/horror author & an odd sentient necklace of hers
0 Votes Botanist who lives in a big city close to a forest befriends a hummingbird
0 Votes Super friendly & energetic chef with his own TV show prepares food quite violently, & his dog (“I CHOP THE LEEK! HA!”)
0 Votes Obscure, elusive, yet very amiable musician & his canary
0 Votes Accountant feels his drastic flaw is his toes, & sees a therapist about it

Hallo, y’all-oh!

Quick Slime Notebook Update! 

I wanted to start SNB the Third in June earlier this year, & technically I did, but I kept missing days & didn’t end up finishing the notebook how I had intended to. So the re-start within the same notebook was yesterday. 

The SNB the Third entries will be posted on Toyhouse when I make them, now (unless it’s something vent-y or I’m busy with work and/or family), so that will help motivate me to do better this time, as I’ll actually share the SNB-art with people more than I have before & share faster than before. 

I feel awkward towards my art, but some darn tootin’ yipee skippy pea pods followed me on Toyhouse because they’re interested in what I do, so I should show what I do! And I like art! And assuredly anyone with a Toyhouse account likes art! Yipee skippy!

Now, here’s poll info:

I have some different character ideas, and want to flesh them out. However, I don’t want to expand all of them at once. 

Which character option do you most want to see fleshed out first?

Bulletin Use?

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by KookyGlucose

Primarily Toyhouse-specific or more of a mix?

1 Votes Toyhouse-specific
0 Votes More of a mix
1 Votes Either way is A-okay

What I’ve done with bulletins is a mix of Toyhouse-specific things (updates on my activity, asking for feedback about some of my Toyhouse stuff, and bulletins in the perspectives of my characters), and more random, unrelated things that I think might be interesting but are also a bit irrelevant. 

Would you prefer me primarily using bulletins for the Toyhouse-specific things, or more of a mix with that and the more unrelated things? 

If there’s a majority vote for primarily Toyhouse-specific things, I’ll still post some unrelated stuff, just a lot less.

Thank you for reading and dandy day/night wishes!

Happy Hagfish Day!

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by KookyGlucose

Hagfish Day is the third Wednesday of every October. The day is meant to celebrate the beauty of ugly, which is very nice. (By the way, while I do understand why some may find the hagfish ugly, I personally find the fish beautiful.)

If you’re uneasy about the idea of aquatic, slimy, long and flexible scavengers, feel free to not delve into hagfish information, some of which is included in this bulletin— specifically, information about their flexibility and sliminess.

Hagfish Fun Fact: They’re the only known organism on the planet to have skulls and lack spines! Ain’t that nifty? Helps out with flexibility, yup yup.

Another fun fact is that hagfish have glands that rapidly produce VERY strong slime. This works as a defense mechanism to clog up the mouths and/or gills of predators who would otherwise want to go after them. The strength and elasticity of this slime has inspired some people‘s thoughts of what fabric could be like!

Extra Names for SNBs o’ Mine?

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by KookyGlucose

Pickle the epic gamer has given new names to his SNB characters! I’m thinking of doing the same, but there’s a problem with my character SNB the First.

I think “Capri Sun” would be a good extra name for SNB the First, but the sun has kind of a negative connotation in regards to SNBs, and “sun” is, well, a part of that name. “Capri Sun” also isn’t a single word, and a single word might work better for a name.

For SNB the Second, I think “Raisin” would be a good extra name.

If anyone has any thoughts on the names mentioned &/or suggestions about names for these characters, feel free to say!

Thanks for reading this thingy and I hope you have a dandy day and a continuation of dandy days!

Hey there!

I’m very sorry that I wasn’t interactive with Toyhouse for the bulk of June, I should’ve given a heads-up. 

I had a lot of personal stuff going on, and frankly some of it is still going on, but I’m doing better now. I talked with my parents about it and it helped a lot. I was in a kind of a weird mindset, too, and I didn’t want to interact with people too much when I felt like that. 

Here are some ✨valuable lessons✨ that I learned:

I shouldn’t punish myself for something that I can’t control, no matter how much I care about that something or how much that something has impacted me.

I need to focus on what I CAN control and change for the better about myself in order to live a good life for myself and be there for people.

In the future, if I have to take a break from Toyhouse, I’ll give a heads-up first!

I was checking on notifications and things during June, but I hadn’t done anything with them besides freak out about them (“freak out” connotations: positive connotation because all notifications I get here are positive things, + crazed connotation because there are just so many notifications & so many I didn’t respond to & JAAH). Then I couldn’t interact with them because I didn’t have the time to interact with people as much I would ideally like to. 

I’m going to be slightly more active/interactive on Toyhouse now. I won’t be able to type up as long responses to things. I’ll upload sprinkle-sprankles of art. So, semi-active now, and then by the end of July I’ll be a bit more active.

I shall upload the SNB the Second character this month: I’m still figuring out their character and design. For their species, they’re going to be a mix between a pseudoscorpion and a frog. The frog-part is either going to be a waxy monkey tree frog (that name is so darn spectacular), tomato frog, Australian green tree frog, Mission golden-eyed tree frog, African dwarf frog, or gray treefrog. Yes, I know that’s a lot of options, that’s why I need to narrow it down!

I’m now on SNB the Third! I took another SNB-Break before starting SNB the Third because I didn’t feel ready, but now the notebook is being slimed upon. 

The notebook is also orange, a similar orange to SNB III! Orange threes. It’s not my intention to steal the spotlight from III with another orange third notebook, but I realize that it may come across that way even without it being intentional, so I’m sorry if it came across that way. It’s either that, or I’m being irrational. Hmm… Maybe when the Third manifests III and the Third can be orange buddies or somethin’. 

SNB III is SNB Yee-yee. 🧡

I do have this kind of pattern with my SNBs going, so hopefully it continues with SNB the Fourth and so on:

Red (earliest rainbow colour), purple (latest rainbow colour), orange (earliest rainbow colour left), blue (latest rainbow colour left), yellow (earliest rainbow colour left), green (latest rainbow colour left).

Also! I am participating in Art Fight! This is my first time doing it and I won’t be doing much, but I’m there and I’m participating. I look forward to trying it out! My art isn’t that good but it isn’t that terrible— in my opinion, anyway. And art is super important to me and probably everyone who participates in Art Fight.

Here’s my account: https://artfight.net/~ArtFruitatoottoot 

Thanks for reading and I hope you have a neat-o burrito non-smelly-feet-oh kinda day!


Posted 2 years, 11 months ago by Scerry KookyGlucose

Just so you know, Cheery, I can speak for myself. I hugely appreciate the support, but I have my own juice, too, I don’t need to drink yours to sustain myself. 

Yeah, I’m a lesbian cherry. Cool. Be yourself and all that, yadda yadda yadda.

My Cherry Blossom! 💕🍒

Posted 2 years, 11 months ago by Cheery KookyGlucose

My sister is a lesbian cherry, I love her so much!! 🥰 

She’s my cherry blossom!!! 🌸🌝

Love is love and have a lovely day!!!! 💖💖💖


Posted 2 years, 11 months ago by Coralina KookyGlucose









