Koritheicejin's Bulletins

Amazon Gift Card Payment Tutorial

Posted 3 years, 27 days ago by Koritheicejin

Because I don't have Paypal, I will be accepting payments via Amazon gift card! This is a quick tutorial on how to do it if you're unfamiliar:
To my knowledge, you don't even need an Amazon account to purchase a gift card, but if I'm incorrect, please let me know!

1. Go to this link (it must be this one-- this is the link for USD ($))

2. Enter the amount you owe

3. Message me to get my email for the "To" portion

4. Put your username in the "From" portion

5. The message can be whatever you'd like, feel free to leave it as default

6. Leave the quantity as 1 and the delivery date as "now"

7. Click buy now!


Posted 3 years, 27 days ago by Koritheicejin

Before reading any of this, remember that I have the right to refuse a commission for any reason, listed or not. I do not have to provide you with a reason.

Now that the scary thing has been said, realize that unless you blatantly ignore this, that probably won't happen!

Things I WON'T draw:
-heavy gore
-things that involve topics such as racism, homophobia, transphobia, ect ect
-will add to this list as I think of things

-In a trade, I expect equal size and quality. If I spend 2 days on a fully rendered full body, I will not accept a messy sketch in trade. By principle, I will put an equal amount of effort into my piece as you do in yours. 

-I will not do customs on descriptions alone-- you must give me at least a color pallet or mood board to reference. I will, on occasion, also accept a song as a reference.
-I will not heavily reference pre-existing characters, even if they are yours. You may link characters as an example of a specific trait, but I will not copy them exactly. 

Wait times:
-I do my best to complete commissions, trades, and requests in the order that they are received, but please understand that they are prioritized by commissions, then trades, then requests.
-Most pieces will be done within 1 week of confirmation. However; I am still a student, and school as well as mental health come before art, so your wait time may be extended.

-While vouchers will be refundable, please keep in mind that Amazon gift card payments are not, as far as I am aware. If you need a refund and have payed by this method, please reach out to me so we can work something out.
-A full refund can be issued before I begin the piece
-A partial refund can be issued before I've begun lining and/or colouring
-No refunds can be issued after I've begun lining and/or colouring a piece

~These terms are subject to change, make sure to check back every now and then~