Posted 3 years, 27 days ago by Koritheicejin

Before reading any of this, remember that I have the right to refuse a commission for any reason, listed or not. I do not have to provide you with a reason.

Now that the scary thing has been said, realize that unless you blatantly ignore this, that probably won't happen!

Things I WON'T draw:
-heavy gore
-things that involve topics such as racism, homophobia, transphobia, ect ect
-will add to this list as I think of things

-In a trade, I expect equal size and quality. If I spend 2 days on a fully rendered full body, I will not accept a messy sketch in trade. By principle, I will put an equal amount of effort into my piece as you do in yours. 

-I will not do customs on descriptions alone-- you must give me at least a color pallet or mood board to reference. I will, on occasion, also accept a song as a reference.
-I will not heavily reference pre-existing characters, even if they are yours. You may link characters as an example of a specific trait, but I will not copy them exactly. 

Wait times:
-I do my best to complete commissions, trades, and requests in the order that they are received, but please understand that they are prioritized by commissions, then trades, then requests.
-Most pieces will be done within 1 week of confirmation. However; I am still a student, and school as well as mental health come before art, so your wait time may be extended.

-While vouchers will be refundable, please keep in mind that Amazon gift card payments are not, as far as I am aware. If you need a refund and have payed by this method, please reach out to me so we can work something out.
-A full refund can be issued before I begin the piece
-A partial refund can be issued before I've begun lining and/or colouring
-No refunds can be issued after I've begun lining and/or colouring a piece

~These terms are subject to change, make sure to check back every now and then~


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